View Full Version : Increase in Meds?

20-07-10, 15:26
Afternoon again

Appreciate that this has already been covered somewhere else probably...!:doh:so apologies

Am seeing my doc tonight after having been on CIT 10mg for 7 days and the anxiety has dropped from manic to slight and "bubbling" under the service, but have been feeling down and sad today

Started with some SE's last week, increased anxiety for a couple of days, headaches, sleep issues and some upset stomach and just wondered about peoples experiences of a increase to 20mg? Does the fact that you start slow and build up make an increase less likely to be a problem?

Again sorry if you have covered all this somewhere else, but am desperate for some nice news and hope


21-07-10, 09:06
Welll the doc wants me to carry on for another 7 days with the 10mg and then up it to 20mg. Kind of glad to have some time left to get used to them, but also a bit odd that I still have to carry on with the anxiety and stupid fear levels for longer

Am still waking in the morning fearing the day and wondering when that will pass..

Help anyone?

21-07-10, 12:22

I have gone from 10 mg to 20 mg 2 weeks ago after being on 10mg for 2 months and some of the side affects came back, mainly that i don't sleep that great and feel constantly tired and my sex drive has gone down the pan.


21-07-10, 12:26
Hi Keta

Thanks for the response. I think the worst part for me would be increased anxiety rather than anythng else at the moment as I started on them for Anxiety and PA

Can I ask if they were the same side effects on the increase as you had when you first started taking them?


21-07-10, 12:45
Hi Jo

Yes it's really similar to when you start taking them for a first time but not as intense and i settled on the increase dose bit quicker but i did have little bit increased anxiety too ( I do take them for anxiety too same as you). It's very individual but every time you increase a dose i think you bound to feel it for week or two before your body adjusts again, which is rubbish.


21-07-10, 14:38
Hi Keta

Thanks again, I guess I just need to carry on trying to lean towards the acceptance end of the scale and realise that it is for the long term good.

I know the CIT is working as I have at least moved from manic episodes of anxiety and constant all day fear of fear to a much calmer place (in fact sometimes even feel down lol) and will try to look forward to the end results rather the the short term pain


22-07-10, 14:40
Call me a scared-y cat but I up'd my dose by 5mg at a time and I'm glad I did as the side effects were much more bearable. Now up to 20mg after 2 months and so far so good. Some bad days as it will never just be perfect but still definitely worth it. So if a 10mg leap feels too much try 5mg.
Good luck.

Sarah Louise
22-07-10, 15:17

I have just upped my dose from 20mg to 40mg because my anxiety came back with avengence after 8 weeks of being on 20mg. I was like you i would wake up in the morning scared that i would have to go through the whole day feeling anxious i would dread it. I only upped my dose on Saturday the dose has calmed my anxiety but i am just feeling tired now but i would rather be tired that have anxiety. I hope 20mg will help you x

22-07-10, 15:17
Hi Rachel

Would never call anyone that on these pills :D, they do take some getting used too. God bless my staff today who have gently prodded me everytime it looks like I am about to fall asleep at my desk....the exhaustion I am feeling today is incredibly bad lol

Torn between the just wanting to get rid of the worst of all this and the fear of the increase in anxiety as that is why I am on it in the first place I suppose....a few days yet to go before I have to decide *gulp* lol

Thank you for taking the time

22-07-10, 16:53
Hi Sarah

Sorry to hear that you have had to up the medication, but hope you feel much better on them and am sure some of the tiredness will pass soon and you can feel good again!

Hopes and best wishes for you x