View Full Version : Lower back dull ache... anxiety linked?

20-07-10, 17:42
Just a quick one...

Has anyone ever had this as a result of anxiety before?

Iv got a really dull ache in my lower back..... it kinda feels like im on my period, but im not.

Getting quite anxious about it now because i stupidly googled.... kidney disease, tumour, bleeding... oh iv read it all!!!

Its driving me mad... and im getting really stressed about it.


20-07-10, 17:57
calm down we all get pains. the worst thing you can do is google ,,have you pulled anything,, there could be a simple answer , are you constipated this can also cause pain in your back .try not to get upset you will be ok ,xx

20-07-10, 18:19
Not pulled anything and not constipated.. its not a sharp pain or anything, its a dull ache.. very much like period pains but im not on my period.

I never know when im due on because theyv always been irratic, so i could be coming on.... but its happened before with no bleeding. Its very annoying

Im just stressing about it because im in work tomorrow x

20-07-10, 18:23
Hi there
Is it all over your lower back or just one side
Only I have got a water infection at the moment and mine is just a dull ache
