View Full Version : Am I insane?

20-02-06, 16:39
Can anyone help me?

I am convinced I am going insanse, Had the worse night ever and today is just worse!

I have not made it to work today again for the 4th week

I am not convinced that I am loosing my mind along with the feeling in my hands and feet, keep having to pinch them

Have given up on the Cipralex Today as have blamed then but sure it must be me, my day and night is just one long panic attack, I am not even stong enough to continue with the Tablets!

Is it possilbe I am loosing the plot? Have read that people who are loosing it dont know it but why do I feel so bad and always sure im going to faint

I am scared to go out incase of another "do" and am ashamed that at 32 years old had to sleep next to my mother for fear of going
insance or dying on my own, it is getting worse by the minute

Has anyone else felt this bad or is it just me??

Wendy x

20-02-06, 17:10
Hey wendy!!
Firstly im sure your not going insane!! has anything in particular made you feel like this? had a particular bad day or anything horid happened to you?? do you suffer from anxiety or depression?? I gave up on meds and theres nothing wrong with you coz you dont feel their working- but dont come of cold turkey- wean yourself of them or you could end up with worse effects!!! It sounds like another fear- have you seen the phobia thread- loads of people have fears of dying on here!!! hope i helped a little- but your not alone!!!

20-02-06, 17:15
Hi Ammeg
I suffer from Anxiety so the doc says but am now convinced that is something worse
Nothing triggered this and it is getting worse each Day
Thank you for reply
Wendy x

20-02-06, 18:53
wendy apparently if you really are going insane you will not know it, so believe me you are not going insane. think it was florence who said that. secondly you are not alone with these fears. have you read up on your anxiety. have you read claire weekes books. they really are a great relief to all who read them

hope you find some peace of mind, id love only that but it is hard when we are in this state

20-02-06, 18:56

I too used to feel this bad every day and saw no end in sight.

I will urge you to be kind to yourself and look at your diet. Do you do any exercise atall? That will help burn off the excess adrenalin. Are you listening to relaxation tapes every day religiously without fail? Get some vitamin B complex.

All these little things will really help and add up to massive improvements.

I hope you cut the Cipralex slowly or you could feel even worse.


20-02-06, 23:46
Hi Wendy

Felt just like you do and thought just the same. I questioned my sanity every day i woke up and couldnt believe it was normal to feel like i did but joining this site made me realise i wasnt alone just like you arent. I couldnt go in my kitchen as i was scared of knifes and what i would do with Sam in t he house. Totally lost any rational thoughts and was scared of my own shadow. It gets easier hun and we are all here to help you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

21-02-06, 11:01
This seems to be really common thought for people with anxiety. I felt the exact same way for ages and had this post saved in favourites in order to get reassurance that i wasn't!

mentally ill?! worries (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5335)

But like jackie says if you were going insane you would not know it because you'd think what you're feeling or seeing is right and everyone else is wrong!! I was told by my counsellor person that they have this questionnaire test and one of the questions is "do you think you're going crazy?" and if a person says yes then the only thing they have is anxiety! i hope this makes you feel better!

21-02-06, 11:49
hey i see the irish flag here . where are you from, north or south

22-02-06, 13:07
I'm from galway so the south!

23-02-06, 19:19
I have just read your posting and I feel so much for you, I remember being away on holiday with some friends and waking up with a PA - I had never had one before and my friend Gill got into bed with me, telling me she was cold and would I warm her up. To me it was wonderful as she took away the terror I was feeling. I have since had ME and suffered night terrors which I to had to get into bed with my mother, but I was in my 40's!. Why am I here visiting the NMP site, well - I have started having the PA's again, but this time I have no friend to comfort me, and in the morning I have to go away for the night and teach a group of 18 strangers all about a therapy. No I am not looking forward to it with happy thoughts, just, how long, will the roads be clear, what will the hotel be like, all the usual, but when I am like this I can not eat, and I have hot ants running down my back, my GP tells me it has a name, formication - not fornication! But I have my little pink pills ( propanolo and my white ones( long acting) so off we go tomorrow. Just want to sleep well tonight without to many panics and sweats.
My love to all who read this.

there's a place that I dream of when I sleep, so peaceful, so quite, I call it mother earth.

23-02-06, 20:58
Hi Wendy

As the others have said your not insane & you do'nt have to feel embarressed/ashamed of how you feel. I to have felt like that but believe me you will over come this. For a start your at the right place to get the support & advice.

Take good care



24-02-06, 16:52

You are not going insane, Your thoughts are running away with you and leading you down this path.

It is true that whilst settling onto any SSRI you can feel very bizarre for a few weeks but do NOT stop them suddenly or you may feel worse.

Read First Steps page- postand try to implement some of the suggestions such as active relaxation, exercise and diet changes.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?