View Full Version : Can't get enough air anxious?

21-07-10, 03:46
Hi all I have found this sight very helpful although this is my first actual post as I get anxious about writing in forums on top off everything else. I'm a 35 yr old mum of 3 and think I have suffered from some sort of anxiety my whole life. I thought I was the only one and that I am slightly nuts. I am definately a glass half empty girl although alot of people who know me think I'm a hard, strong and tough lady lol if only they could see behind the facade. Only very close friends and family know the truth. My latest issue is trying to breathe properly and not sure if this is the one symptom that has a real health problem or if it's anxiety. Really terrified that I have lung cancer as have been an on off med-heavy smoker for 20 yrs although I have now packed it in for good. I'm having difficulty in getting a full breath and my chest feels tight. It's how I imagine asthama to feel like although I have no wheeze. I bought an inhaler (ventolin) but it doesn't seem to help very much. Not sleeping and scared to death that I won't live long enough for my youngest not to need me anymore. I stress so much if I have a migraine it's brain tumour, had a skin cancer scare a few months ago but luckily had dodgy mole removed before it manifested into anything nasty, any mark in my mouth I think mouth cancer etc. It's the same with my kids if they're ill in any way I just work myself up thinking the worse. I'm also terrified that my kids will be kidnapped and murdered even from school yard or they're beds. They sometimes think I'm mean for not letting them do this or that but it's because of anxiety about their safety. I moved to Australia a yr ago from England and thought the plane was gonna crash which I now believe everytime I fly. My edest child is 18 and chose to stay with her dad in the UK so that made me upset and anxious. I'm sure I'm crazy I don't know anyone that stresses and worries as much as I do. I have so many feeling odd days with tingling, things not looking, sounding or smelling quite right. Panic feelings like bad adrenaline rushes, sweats etc. I'm going to the doc to get a check particularly concerning my breathing as this is the scariest feeling and almost constant. I'm so sorry to go on and on I just needed to get it out. My partner is ok but gets to a stage when it's in 1 ear and out the other and he doesn't understand and just says don't worry so much lol if only it was that easy!!! Does anyone think my breathing problems can really be related to anxiety it's so real and very scary thanks so much if you made it to reading to the end. Thoughts to all.

21-07-10, 03:59
im glad you are going to the docs, as a thorough check up is the first port of call , ( im sure youll be fine), then you can get down to the buisness of dealing with this most horrid of symtoms.
ive had this problem for the last 6 months ,( im a smoker ) the more you think about it the worse it gets , so seeing your doc is the best way to set your mind at ease , dont underestimate just how crap anxiety can make you feel. im sure all will be well:yesyes:

21-07-10, 04:25
Thanks Ozjeff sorry to hear you're a sufferer so very scary. Wish I could see my doc before mon but they're always so busy. If my breathing gets any worse before then I think I may have to go to the hospital but then get anxious about wasting their time wish I could just chill. It has stopped me smoking but I just hope it's not too late. It's awful not being "normal" people don't understand and think everything is in your head and that you can shrug it off and not worry, if only eh?

21-07-10, 05:00
im lucky my family are great, but that said theyve no idea what i go through either, im glad you got off the smokes , id love to, but its a catch 22, if you get too concerned , go to the hospital, thats what they are there for, im willing to bet its only anxiety, but for your own peace of mind you need to get checked.
do you breathe ok in your sleep? , if you had a serious problem it would be 24/7, do you know any relaxation tecniques?, with anxiety you have to go against what you naturally feel like doing, ( relax instead of freak), its hard , but in time you will master it

21-07-10, 05:07
Hi again ozjeff I find it very hard to get to sleep because of the breathing and wake up after an hr or 2 finding it even harder to breath have to get up so it does seem to be with me pretty much 24/7 may go to hospital after pick kids up from school don't think I can wait until Monday for doc.

21-07-10, 05:19
anxiety itself can keep you up like that, but yes , do go & get checked out.
im sure that all will be fine, but you will not rest until you get the all clear.
keep your chin up & keep us posted

21-07-10, 05:50
If i concentrate on breathing i know where its coming from, its the access anxiety. Ignoring the uncomfort or just letting it be there the way that works for me.

21-07-10, 10:20
Ox I've exactly the same issues, although I've not got children! I've kind of had to teach myself to ignore these thoughts and feelings, I guess that one major obstacle I overcame in my anxiety battle but I have the issue with feeling like I've a very tight belt strapped around my chest and no matter what I do I cannot release it or get enough air into my lungs, it usually happens in work and I can't shake it off until I get home and finally relax. That's another thing I've had to discover is how to relax, I work very hard at relaxing whether by walking my dogs and getting lungs full of fresh air and taking in nature it by having a lavender bath - lavender bubble bath, lavender essential oil, lavender candles, lavender oil burner, lavender petals in the water...I basically drown myself in
The stuff!
I find I've had to study anxiety, learn the symptoms,
Identify mine and accept them. I find acceptance of symptoms helped a lot and I totally empathise with the breathing thing as that's one I've yet to overcome! I find warm humid weather makes it worse?

22-07-10, 15:02
Thanks for the replies it's so reassuring that you're not the only one. Never realised that anxiety could give you such really awful symptoms. I went to the hospital as breathing got worse and got panicy. Had bloods, chest xray,heart check etc and all came back fine so thats a huge relief but still don't feel right so off to docs on Mon. Hospital doc said they couldn't say what it is just what isn't said it could be anxiety related. Gonna see if i can have some anxiety tablets to see if they will help. My partner has just gone on a job away so he will be on 2wks on 1 off and I'm beginning to think that this maybe effecting me more than I realised. I try to talk to him but he can't understand he told me to a get paper bag to blow in and all will be great but there's alot more to it than that as we all know. I'm worried about it getting worse when he's not here and it's just me and the children. Gonna do my best to keep my mind occupied. This site and the people on it are so helpful and understanding and helped me through many a sleepless night.

22-07-10, 15:17
Well done for making the post and with so much detail too. Take time to congratulate yourself on achieving that given that you said you were anxious about doing it!
Not being able to breath is a symptom of anxiety, this is normal and you are by no means alone as i'm sure you'll see on this forum. You also sound typical in 'hiding' this, i do too! Everyone at work thinks i'm a confident together person...it's like a swan, they see the graceful strength but under the water the legs are going at a million miles an hour and thats the bit they don't see! All normal and understandable.
One thing to note about the breathing, whilst its terrifying, you need to remind yourself that a.you didn't stop breathing, b. you didn't die, c.you didn't pass out...these are the facts and knowing that can help 'cushion' the fear when you next panic. Good idea to go to your doctors who will support you medically. I would recommend too that you have a calm and serious chat with your hubby about anxiety and how he can support you. My hubby was at a loss on what to do or say too so i had to help him to help me. It's not easy for partners who have never experienced anxiety attacks to understand so educate them to make sure you get support. Lets face it, hubbies WANT to support us they just don't know how until we spell it out nicely :-)

22-07-10, 23:18
glad you got back to us , breathe,
yep, i know how bad it can be, & hope now that you have all the medical ammo you need, that you can start to reinforce to yourself thats its anxiety( note i didnt say "just anxiety"), re my earlier post " dont underestimate just how crap anxiety can make you feel", thats the key.
dont allow yourself to be frightened into believing "its got to be something serious". thats how the vicious circle starts.
im glad that you are ok:yesyes:
ps ive been waking up peaking out too, so now i say to myself "f*** off anxiety , im trying to sleep"

24-07-10, 00:23
Thanks again for replies guys it's so great to have people to talk to that understand that's probably why I'm dribbling on so much, sorry. I'm glad I had checks but I can't help thinking that they missed something as breathing is still laboured I feel like I've smoked 60 cigarettes in one go even though I have quit, all beit only a week ago. It's so distressing and now my man is working away I think about what will my kids do if there is something seriously wrong and the whole thing gets even worse I want my "normal" life back. I miss my mum, dad and eldest daughter even more when I feel like this, it makes England feel even further away:weep:My mum has suffered from panic and depression before so I am guessing it can be heredity. This makes me feel guilty as I may have passed it on to my kids and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Has anyone had any meds that have helped? I feel that I need something as I am lucky to get 2 hours if that sleep a night. I find it so hard to fall asleep and even harder to stay asleep. A friend suggested meditation but dunno how to, will get some literature as now I'll try anything and everything. After sitting here and writing all this my breathing has improved so I guess it probably is anxiety and not some deadly disease that medical science has yet to discover. I'm gonna have to stay on here 24/7 lol. Anxiety is an awful condition but alot better than any of the conditions that I convinced myself that I had so I'll concentrate on that as it could be alot worse, anxiety won't kill me. Thanks again guys, thoughts to you all and sorry for going on and on and on...

24-07-10, 01:05
I worry about breathing when anxious and especially when hot or have eaten peanuts etc but have learnt to tell myself that my body is much cleverer than my mind and to trust it. You really need to believe that your body will look after you and then you do begin to trust it and realise last time you worried about this your body did look after you, so this time it will aswell.
Hope this helps a little