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21-07-10, 09:48
hi. i know anxiety doesnt go away but i am finding i feel worse in the mornings. although i am glad it is slightly better later in the day it really will not be good when i go back to work and have to start at 7am. does anyone else have times when they feel worse? :shrug:

21-07-10, 19:13

My anxiety (and depression) is definitely worse in the mornings when I'm going through a bout of it. I think its fairly common. I've found though as I've got better it improves.

For the last 4 weeks I've been sick every morning when I've got up due to anxiety. I'm starting to pick up a bit now and haven't been sick the last 2 mornings! Still anxious but not so bad.

It will fade.

Mabel xxx

21-07-10, 19:17
Hi Kelkel,

Welcome to NMP x

I too feel worse in the mornings, usually to around 10.30 to 11am. Even though I take 2mg of Diazepam at around 7am. Also I don't know if ur female but I have noticed over the last 3 months or so, I seem to be particularly anxious the day before my period. Not sure yet if this just coincidence or not. Will ask my doc on my next appointment.

S.x :welcome:

21-07-10, 19:18
yes when i first wake up,its worse,, but i thank god its not all day like before ,i find if i do have something to do in the morning i dont seem to bad ,as my mind is busy rushing around to get ready ,i think you will be ok ,all the best

21-07-10, 19:58

When I have the bad turn, mornings are bad, i am sick sometimes and brushing teeth makes me even more sick. I cant have breakfast or even drink a tea. Iam lucky if i manage to eat or drink anything up to 11am. It is very hard because you wake up your start has to be fresh and clean and you feel that your head is spinning and all the thoughts are chasing each other. I dont make allot of effort to look good for work when these days come and it makes it worse as I feel as i look. The problem is it is a circle and only when i brake it it stops. The problems is to break it.

Doctor told me once that if i start having bad mornings, its better to get of the bed and dtart doing things straigt and not to lie in bed let herad to spin, maybe you can try that. I get up early just after 5 cause i stat working early so i am up anyway, though i manage to have a blip even that early.

21-07-10, 21:06
thanks everyone. i thought i was going mad. u'r all so kind and supportive xx

22-07-10, 05:48
Just had one of those morning attacks this morning - woke up shaking. I thought should be better today, hope tomorrow morning will be not so gloomy.

22-07-10, 17:32
i had one to hunni. hope tomorrow is better coz i have a chest xray at 8.30am. feel better at the mo. am going to see my doc again tomorrow, am feling better each day i think so 1 more week off work and i should hopefully feel up to coping with it. take care all :hugs: