View Full Version : Question regarding anxiety + tiredness?

21-07-10, 10:23
Since Christmas, I have been on a diet because a routine blood test detailed that I have a fatty Liver.

At the time I was 17.4 stone, which I'm now 13.4 stone (a loss of 4.0 stone).

My dieting was going ok but of the last week, I have noticed that I feel tired all of the time, even yawning more than often.
This has caused me to panic and bring back my anxiety because I'm worrying that I could have a blood disorder or something sinister and that my weight loss is not down to my diet but it's down to this sinister problem etc.

I went to see a doctor on Monday about my tiredness, who said she would do a blood test but does not expect anything to be wrong, which I can go and see her next week before I go on holiday, which she will then go over the blood test results with me.

I would like to know if anxiety and especially focusing on it can make your tired and yawn etc, sounds a daft question but I was just curious and if blood test ok, can i then ignore it?

I go on holiday next week and I did not really want to go away worrying about all of this.


21-07-10, 12:12
What routine bood test showed that you had a fatty liver? I think the vast majorityof people that drink alcohol reguarly have some sort of fat in the liver.

21-07-10, 22:45
Well done on loosing the weight! That is really impressive. If you're tired all the time and been on a diet, it is most likely due to a lack of nutrition of some sort. Maybe mild anaemia? We all need carbs etc, maybe you've cut something out a bit too much? Either way, i am pretty sure it wouldnt be seriously. You're probably a lot more healthy at the weight you are now!