View Full Version : C B T / therapist want s to bring on a panic/ anxiety

21-07-10, 11:39
hi every 1, well yesterday was my second visit for cbt and its very good but next week my therapist want to deliberatley bring on an anxiety attack!!!!:ohmy: i said how you gona do that???? she said by doing certain breathing i can hypoventilate then if i go in panic mode ive got to sit it out while i learn to control it.:wacko: god i hope she knows what shes doing, so am a little ho hum about it .has anybody had to do this kind of treatment in CBT OR ANY OTHER METHOD TO FACE YOUR FEAR KIND OF THING????? would like to here from you

many thanks lisa x:shrug:

21-07-10, 12:50

Thats very effective, this way you can totally defuse fear, anxiety and all behind it.

When you tell it common, bring it on, its got nothing to feed on. Because fear feeds on fear.

You will see that fear is a big bubble and bluff.

It is scary at first and takes allot to practice for me years, still is scared a bit.

21-07-10, 12:51
i have never heard of it but it must be ok

21-07-10, 13:00
My CBT therapist had me doing that. However I don't get esp. dizzy or hyperventilate when I panic, so it didn't bring on a panic attack for me (I get nauseous). It is meant to be a very good technique - you sit with the discomfort to see that it can't hurt you and eventually passes.


21-07-10, 16:49
thanku all but dahlia i dont get dizzy i vomit and get hot adrenalin rushes thats what i hate. the racing heart dont bother me or the wobbly legs its just the unreal feeling i hate when in a panic ,, well well see how it works i just want to be able to not fear it when it happens so i can control it on my own, its doesnt help knowing that my meds are doing that job at the minute so my mind has relied on them to fix it in a kind of strange way, but i needed my meds as was virtualy near breakdown again . its only been 2 months and i feeling way loads better.... but eventualy i will have to come off them and control it myself so i got learn somethink from it ..i hope...... till it happens lol :hugs: thank u for ur comments

take care lisa xx

21-07-10, 21:21
My CBT therapist suggested this, but we never actually tried it - I was never wholly comfortable with having a full-on panic attack in front of her.

I did, however, try some mild hyperventilation on my own, which is scary, as it is one of the main feelings I get when I have an attack. However, after trying it a few times, It does take away some of the "fear of fear" which causes it all...

21-07-10, 22:25
thanku all but dahlia i dont get dizzy i vomit and get hot adrenalin rushes thats what i hate. the racing heart dont bother me or the wobbly legs its just the unreal feeling i hate when in a panic ,, well well see how it works i just want to be able to not fear it when it happens so i can control it on my own, its doesnt help knowing that my meds are doing that job at the minute so my mind has relied on them to fix it in a kind of strange way, but i needed my meds as was virtualy near breakdown again . its only been 2 months and i feeling way loads better.... but eventualy i will have to come off them and control it myself so i got learn somethink from it ..i hope...... till it happens lol :hugs: thank u for ur comments

take care lisa xx
What medicine are you taking?

21-07-10, 22:27
its a very effective intervention, but i hope the therapist has fully discussed why you's are doing it, and what you hope to learn etc., also i hope you have agreed to this as it might have a counter-effect if you aint comfortable/fully understanding to why it has been suggested.


21-07-10, 23:30
hi jo im on cipralex 10mg. its my second time in my life ive been on them and they are brilliant i cant fault them..except for the side effects when u go on them but with most ssri's its to be expected, its my 2nd month and just getting better all the time


22-07-10, 08:35
my CBT therapist always used to give us homework where we were to put ourselves in situations that caused anxiety and panic attacks. It was to prove that if you can just ride out all those feelings nothing really bad happans. I always thought she was a bit of a sadist but it did work. well it did until I had another baby and now its come back. Maybe I should get all my old notebooks out and have a read through!

22-07-10, 10:06
lol sadist i thought 2:wacko:, but im feeling really good at the moment and i dont reckon it will work lol... anyway ill keep u all posted and see if it works tuesday is the day ov recogning( i think i spealt that wrong ) nickie get notes out and just go thru them it will reassure you .take care

lisa x

22-07-10, 15:05
I have panic too. I recently lost my mom two weeks ago and my life feel apart. Im getting married and sept and panic all the time. I no longer want to leave the house, but I make myself leave. Im a nanny for three little girls and a mess. Things were under control for years and now bam! I feel anxious all the time and Im on .05 mg of klonopin as needed. That helps a bit but I dont even feel like getting outta bed and when I have something that I HAVE to do...like go to work, I go in complete panic projection. I think I will one on myself. Im getting help going to a CBT therapist tonite for the first time. My old therapist whom I saw about 5 times just was a head shaker and told me everything is gonna be ok...and that Im normal and reacting to the stressors in my life. Deep down I know its panic and anxiety but its so scarey evertime that I project that its something much more. Also I think Im becoming agaoraphobic. I hate leaving home in fear of an attack. I went to work today, picked the girls up and went back to my house...safe place. I cant stand living like this. Anxious and awaiting whats next all the time. I try to tell myself its just panic, ride it out, let it go..but in the moment I get comsumed by it...it seems to control me:( what do I do?? I want to quit work:(
