View Full Version : Middle Child Syndrome?

21-07-10, 12:40
I've long joked with my family about middle child syndrome (am the middle of 3 girls) being the reason for my being so "quirky and eccentric" but after a joking discussion with a friend about it and googling it actually appears that it is becomming a more recognised reality with actual psychological/psychiatric implications

Many people, particularly my husband tells me i'm too soft, i am too nice, i do too much for others, need to be more selfish and don't speak up for myself enough, don't make enough time for myself, always the diplomat and allow myself to be taken advantage of. I Always thought this was just my nature, and that unfortunately it's my nature that causes my anxiety, my insatiable need to please means i run myself ragged for everyone else and i never fight for myself even when i know i'm being wronged, i just succomb to it...apparently from what i've seen it has all the ear marks of the clinical definition of middle child syndrome!

Could it be that thanks to my place in my family - if i fought with my elder sister, i shouldn't have been annoying her and if i fought with my younger sister i should know better...not to mention that my elder sister tormented me as a child and "ganged up" on me with my younger sister! - that despite the fact that we are all very close now that i was always going to be this way?

Just wondering how many others on here have the same issues and where you sit in your family?
Could there be a link between birth order and panic/anxiety disorders?

21-07-10, 13:04
I have heard about middle child syndrome before, and it certainly seems to match up with my mother's experiences. She was in the middle of two brothers, and it was very easy for her to get pushed into being everyone else's doormat. She was very passive and always took the path of least resistance, but it made her very resentful, which I'm sure didn't do her any good ultimately.

21-07-10, 15:22
I too have heard of this. I am a middle child of two brothers and I am far to easy to 'push over'. I tend to put everyone else before myself and dont challange an argument even when I know Im right! Ive never thought it had anything to do with middle child syndrome until now!
I first heard of this when I had my daughter and was told by the health visitor in a very jokey manner to watch my son. I think if I really look at him he too is like me but could that not be our nature? Are we suffering from middle child syndrome or am I just a soft natured person and he, unfortunately takes after me?!!!