View Full Version : New here, looking forward to sharing & helping

21-07-10, 13:40
Hello everyone - so glad i stumbled across this website after many years of panic and anxiety. I'm looking forward to sharing my experiences on medication, coping and generally giving/getting support with you all. :yesyes:

21-07-10, 13:41
Hi T101

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

21-07-10, 14:18
Hi T101,

I'm new here too and I'm looking for some answers, so will be glad to hear from you. How did you know it was/is anxiety? What tests did you have?

Thank you.

Ruby Tuesday
21-07-10, 14:35
Hello :)

21-07-10, 14:58
Hi T101,

I'm new here too and I'm looking for some answers, so will be glad to hear from you. How did you know it was/is anxiety? What tests did you have?

Thank you.

Hi eo, when i first had a panic attack i had no idea thats what it was and though i was having a heart attack! I went to my doctor and explained exactly what happened and the symptoms. She then told me it was an anxiety attack but didn't treat it (i have since changed my doctor!). Anyway, i suffered in silence for about a year after that believeing that it was untreatable until it got so bad i just couldn't cope any longer. I spoke to my employers occ health nurse about it and she sent me straight to the doctor (a new one). He immediately put me on medication for panic disorder having listened very carefully to me describe what was going on. My employers also then paid for me to go to a private psychologist (not CBT) and that helped enormously.
sorry if i'm being long winded. What are your symptoms? are you getting meds?

23-07-10, 09:40
Hi T101,

Thank you for replying. I'm not on meds. Was on propanolol but stopped as the side effects were bad. So many symptoms that it is all so confusing. I've gone through the symptoms on this site and I have similar symptoms but they have never really gone away. I have had panic attacks and those start and end but the anxiety symptoms seem to be constant. I am carrying on with my life but constant vists to the doctor make me feel silly. He has not been conclsive because he says he 'thinks it is anxiety'. What tests should I be asking for?


23-07-10, 10:06
if you don't want to take medication have you tried thearpy?

23-07-10, 12:13
Hi all, I'm also relatively new here :unsure:
I also suffer with anxiety and I'm so enjoying reading your threads...

Try read some of mine under INTRODUCE YOURSELF then "New here - but new self emerging too!" (spilled over onto page 2 now)

I'll look out for any comments you leave either there or here.
I am very interested in what you might have to say guys.

Take care for now

Inkey69 :blush:

24-07-10, 23:25
Hi T101,

Thank you for replying. I'm not on meds. Was on propanolol but stopped as the side effects were bad. So many symptoms that it is all so confusing. I've gone through the symptoms on this site and I have similar symptoms but they have never really gone away. I have had panic attacks and those start and end but the anxiety symptoms seem to be constant. I am carrying on with my life but constant vists to the doctor make me feel silly. He has not been conclsive because he says he 'thinks it is anxiety'. What tests should I be asking for?


Don't feel silly about going to the doctor. Anxiety is a serious and debilitating condition, a recognised condition and it needs medical support. That's your doctors job, to help and support you whether it be with meds or therapy or both. It sounds like you have anxiety, as do i and many others on here and consequently panic attacks will add to your woes. Betablockers help with the physical effects but therapy will deal with the psychological part (thats the hardest part in my experience!). I don't think there is a 'test' as such, its basically diagnosed on classic symptoms. My doc did 'tests' but it was to rule out other medical conditions. he tested me glands fever and irritable bowl syndrome, both he said can have the same symptoms as anxiety and panic. Once those were ruled out he concluded it was anxiety and put me on the appropriate medication. I'm not a pill=popper at the best of times so was horrified at this but have to admit that they help, but i won't lie and say i;m cured either. It is easier to cope though so please go and get the help you need and deserve.

24-07-10, 23:29
Hi all, I'm also relatively new here :unsure:
I also suffer with anxiety and I'm so enjoying reading your threads...

Try read some of mine under INTRODUCE YOURSELF then "New here - but new self emerging too!" (spilled over onto page 2 now)

I'll look out for any comments you leave either there or here.
I am very interested in what you might have to say guys.

Take care for now

Inkey69 :blush:

Hi inkey - welcome from one newbie to another. Its great to know we're not alone. If i can help anyone i will, may as well turn this nightmare negative into a positive by helping others if we can!

25-07-10, 10:42
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - im new here too......isnt it wonderful that we have all found each other...and this site. to know that one is not alone is the best feeling in the world. any advice on trying to get through an attack would be so great xxxx with each other we can hopefully move forward to a brighter future. please do keep in touch.

25-07-10, 15:10
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - im new here too......isnt it wonderful that we have all found each other...and this site. to know that one is not alone is the best feeling in the world. any advice on trying to get through an attack would be so great xxxx with each other we can hopefully move forward to a brighter future. please do keep in touch.

Hi Calm - and welcome from one newbie to another. Yes it's great to know there are others out there to help and support each other. This is a truly horrible condition but like you said, just to know you are not the only one is a great relief. There's loads of really nice people on here so hopefully you can get some good support :yesyes:

26-07-10, 15:10
You bet :hugs:

inkey69 :yesyes:

26-07-10, 19:06
Im charlie, its my birthday today and and not celebrating because all I can think about is work and my financial situation. I cant eat and can only handle sleep and cannot afford to be sign off work. Open to suggestion.

Veronica H
26-07-10, 20:23
:welcome:T101. This is a friendly place with great information and support.


27-07-10, 16:15
Im charlie, its my birthday today and and not celebrating because all I can think about is work and my financial situation. I cant eat and can only handle sleep and cannot afford to be sign off work. Open to suggestion.

Happy Birthday. What's troubling you so much about your job?

Cazza 7
27-07-10, 21:48
Hi There,

Im Caroline(cazza 7)

Quite new to the site myself i have anxiety/panic attacks , om meds citrapram since this may,
Mainly health anxiety i used to think every little ailment was terminal, had a load of stress, relationship probs dropped a load of weight thru it,
That made me more anx to say the least,
On 10mg cit meds a lot better , but i still have bad days ..more good days thank goodness,

I have got to be on meds for 6 to 12 mths,
I feel a frak i hide it from most folk, but deep down i worry about the weight loss thing
but its quite common??

Write soon this is a great site