View Full Version : Forgotton word! PANIC!

21-07-10, 13:53
I was just getting my daughter's dinner ready earlier and I wanted to ask my husband to pass some marrow, but I could not remember the word for marrow! I had in my mind the picture of a marrow, I could think 'giant corguette' but the word marrow did not come to me for what seemed like ages! Although I have been anxious lately, I was not really feeling particulalry stressed or anxious at the time. Now of course, I am in meltdown about early dementia or some sort of degerative brain disorder. This is along with the shooting sensations and majo twitching in my leg for the past two weeks, so now I am thinking that it is something like Parkinsons but I am too scared to google it in case all the symptoms match. I am going OUT OF MY MIND!!!!

21-07-10, 14:56

We all have moments where we just blank. I had one the other day (I'm only 28), I can't even remember what the item was but something that one would use every day and I just for the life of me could not remember the name. I put the thought aside and 5 minutes later it came to me.

I'm quite sure it's not an early on set of dementia, and in regards your leg the cause of that could be nothing more than a muscle spasm or maybe you've twisted funny and slightly pulled something. It's easily done.

I know what it's like to feel dread at the slightest change in your body but I'm sure you are perfectly fine. If you can't shake the feeling of dread I'd suggest a visit to your GP should help confirm that all is well with you.

21-07-10, 15:00
Well you was right because a marrow is a grown up corguette! which i found out only the other week.
just give your leg a little shake it might help.
