View Full Version : Please help me. :((((((

21-07-10, 13:56
ive started getting anxiety at work and scared myself so much ive not been for 3 days! ive just this min had another panic attack at the thought of going and completely broke down and cried and called my boss because i needed someone to talk to, ive told her ive had panic attacks over coming to work and dont understand why. She advised i go to the doctors which im going to later.
How ever this has happpened before a few years ago and i was off work for a few months and hardly left the house. im also have panic attacks during interviews so avold those too.

I feel like im lossing control of myself at the moment and dont want to be where i was a few years ago.

Any advise would be very grateful please.

21-07-10, 14:09

I am here for the same reason, I am finding the worlds that I need to hear.
And it is its not fatal, it feels like it, you will be ok, and will get over it.

Its only fear, that feels much more and panic attack does not make you permanently disabled or damages your brain, even the worst attack is just a bunch of sensations and not more then that. Even if it feels like it is more than that.

If your manager is a wise person she will do what she can by supporting you and covering you.


21-07-10, 14:27
Thank you so much,
My boss is the owner of the business and theres only 6 people working there so i dont know why im having these attacks but its stopping me from working and starting to make me feel down and control my life.
Apart from this im normally a very happy person with a gorgeous man ive just got engaged too.

thank you once again for your advise.

21-07-10, 14:44
Hi Sharon,
You have beaten this before and can do again if you stay strong and fight back. Dont let the fear stop you doing things, face it head on and you will get there. Ive had agoraphobia for far too long and now Im fighting back, I want to live again. Fear is a terrible thing and we know logically it wont harm us but unfortunately when we panic logic flies out the window. I try not to run away from it and go with the flow. Its hard to explain but standing my ground when panic arrives, staying as calm as I can be (often this is difficult!) and trying to carry on as normal seems to lesson the fear. I see the panic as a bully and if I give in to it it will come back stronger next time but if I stay put and face it the next time its not as strong.
I hope this is a little helpful, I can only urge you not to give up hope. You are doing the right thing in seeing your GP and explaining things to your boss. Stay strong and you will get there.
Good luck, take care and declare war on fear!!!

21-07-10, 14:44
I am trying to convince myself as well that the fear is absolutely baseless and if you try and take the fear away there is no substance. Like you say youa re a happy person, your have a job and you have no need to panic, but you do. We all have different reasons for it to start, chemical changes in the brain, postnatal, emotional trauma, even long time ago, or anything else but whatever was the trigger, it passed, its not here anymore but we panic now. We are like a broken record playing the fear and anxiety over and over and thinking it sreal, but its not, its the product of our imagination.

21-07-10, 14:49
Thank you Carol,
a big sign of relef has just come over me after reading your message.
I went to the docs 4 months ago because they started again and i was given some meds which i took for 3 days and stopped because i felt better.
I started taking those same meds again 3 days ago and they havent worked like before thats why im going back to docs to see what they say.
Maybe i should of just gone back 3 days ago instead of taking these and worrying about taking meds

21-07-10, 14:52
Thumbalina this is so true,
Ive got the most rubbish memory but i can remember every panic moment ive ever had.
Which my memory was as good for possive thougths.lol

I hope you are ok? and feeling a little better.

21-07-10, 14:59
I dont take meds, they're not for me but I know from a lot of people on here they do a lot of good if given time. I think we expect medication to be a magical potion and zap we are cured! When I first started with anxiety I was on meds and they worked a treat but I couldnt take them for ever so came off them but if I was going down hill again I wouldnt hesitate to take them again. From what I have learnt on this site most meds take about 14 days to start working so stick it out.
Im a very happy person, people (including my GP) think I should be depressed and miserable coz I dont go out much but Im not. Yes I get frustrated and fed up but whats the point in letting it ruin my life? Im trying now to get out and right now Im winning, its a slow process but (hopefully!) Im getting there.

21-07-10, 15:07
Good for you Carol, just little outting make all the difference to your confidence dont they. little at a time.


21-07-10, 15:12
Hi there - i was in exactly the same position and couldn't get to work as my anxiety spiralled out of control until i broke down in tears. It's bl00dy awful and you are not alone in feeling or experiencing this.
You need to go to your doctor right away and don't hold back on just how serious this is. Anxiety is a debilitating condition for which you need medical support. If you are given meds take them...even if you feel better...these are noyt the kind of meds you should dip in and out of so follow your docs advice and stick to it.
Once you have established a level of medical support you should reassure yourself that panic attacks will pass. My psychologist taught me not to fight it but ride the wave. Trying to 'control' it makes things worse and that's all i ever tried to do was control it. Yes its hell when it happens, but say "come on then panic attack, lets get it over with, fast heart beat, sweating, can't breath...and just like all the other times ...and it's passing again, just like all the other times". Yes you feel like sh*t and alone and scared stiff, but its less freaky riding the storm than fighting it. One step at a time and you'll get there, this will get easier.

21-07-10, 15:19
Thank you T101

All taken on board and i will deffo do what the doc says this time, i dont want it happening again to soon, i need a bit of breathing space, my b/f is coming to the docs with me because i usully just sit there spaced out and panic and cry.
I know i need to get back to work asap but i just cannot find the strengh at the moment, looks like it will turn into a week off work but i dont mind o much as long as i confortable to go back monday, im just keeping my fingers crossed at the moment, i should really take the bull my the horns and go tomorrow really.
sorry for gabbling on.
Hope everything with you is ok.

21-07-10, 15:31
Sharon your b/f sounds great, my hubby is useless!!! Dont beat yourself up about missing work, get yourself sorted and then face work, dont try to do everything at once. Small steps are whats needed, a little at a time.
You sound very positive and with the help of your b/f and gp you will win .
Keep me posted as to how you get on, take care,

21-07-10, 15:33
Thank you Carol,
I will do.
and you take care too.


21-07-10, 22:38
Thank you Carol,
a big sign of relef has just come over me after reading your message.
I went to the docs 4 months ago because they started again and i was given some meds which i took for 3 days and stopped because i felt better.
I started taking those same meds again 3 days ago and they havent worked like before thats why im going back to docs to see what they say.
Maybe i should of just gone back 3 days ago instead of taking these and worrying about taking meds
What meds were you taking?

24-07-10, 23:46
Thank you T101

All taken on board and i will deffo do what the doc says this time, i dont want it happening again to soon, i need a bit of breathing space, my b/f is coming to the docs with me because i usully just sit there spaced out and panic and cry.
I know i need to get back to work asap but i just cannot find the strengh at the moment, looks like it will turn into a week off work but i dont mind o much as long as i confortable to go back monday, im just keeping my fingers crossed at the moment, i should really take the bull my the horns and go tomorrow really.
sorry for gabbling on.
Hope everything with you is ok.

You sound so much like i did when in exactly this position. Crying at the doctors and "i must get back to work". I was darn lucky that the doctor took this very seriously. I was so bad i had a nervous breakdown and the doctor recognised this and signed me off LONG TERM!! I was only expecting to be off for a week lol! But this is serious honey bun, its brill that your b/f is supporting you, but prepare yourself to be off work a little longer than you think and try not to worry about your employer (though i know you will cos i did and it made my panic worse sheesh). So learn from my experience, life is too bl00dy short to be worrying about a job when your health is so bad right now. YOU are whats important in all this and you need and deserve time to heal, breath, relax and be good to yourself. Take all the support your doc throws at you and to hell with anything else...like work....
Thinking of you and let us know how you are getting on, what's happening etc. Hugs x

28-07-10, 19:33
Thank you so much for your replys it really does help to talk,
Well i went to the docs and was signed off the rest off the week. i went back to work as i planned on monday and had two panic attacks on wednesday afternoon (today) and went home crying my eyes out. i dont think the meds im taking have been working
diazepam 2 mg and propranolol 40 mg. back to the docs and now been given fluoxetine 20mg.
i wish everyone all the best and hope and pray there will be some kind of cure for these horrible things one day. xx