View Full Version : Nuero problem with leg buzzing, freaking out!!

21-07-10, 14:50
I am in complete panic right now. I am a 40 yr old male in decent shape. For a while now I have been having this recurring feeling that my right quadricep is buzzing or vibrating. It feels like my mobile phone is set to vibrate and is sitting on my leg. I have also had some hamstring pain on the same leg. I am a long time sufferer of HA and have had some issues with my lower back. I am trying to convince myself that this is either anxiety or a problem with my back but I have googled too many times in the past and have this intense fear of ALS, MND, MS et al. I think the leg is weaker than the other but I don't know at this point. I am freaking out and can't afford a doctor. Can someone talk some sense into me? Are there any self tests I can do on myself for screening? Does anyone know the timeline of these horrible diseases so that I can start to feel better after a period of time? Anyway, I am in a full blown panic and could really use some help.


21-07-10, 15:03
Hi J2,

I have had similar sensations on my face, not like twiching, but i knew something was mooving insdide, with me I knew its all nerves due to stress.

I have something more weard to share believe me - every time i have relapse - which is now as well, at the worst day i loose totally all my senses for few days, like now i cant smell and taste.

It feels horrible, on top of nausea and diarhea i cant smell or taste and it happens every time.

And today I drink like a fish and my mouth is constantly dry, Its so weird...
I know it will be back to normal as soon as most of the symptoms will go away...
Therefore anything can be crafted by the fear....

21-07-10, 15:04
Hi J2,

I off and on get a similar sensation as you in my leg. It first started about 3 years ago when I was 25. Like you I went into panic mode and as we do ultimately jumped to the worst conclusions.

Firstly, stay away from googling health stuff. It just allows people like us to jump on the worst case scenario.

I was relived to find out upon visiting the doctor that she diagnosed me with restless leg syndrome. Sounds ridiculous eh, though it's prefectly harmless.

Hopefully this will help assure you that many times these unsual changes that we are not used to are perfectly harmless and bar something like RLS or maybe just a muscle spasm you are in prefect physical health.

21-07-10, 15:26
Thanks for the responses, I need all the help I can get. I too get all kinds of wierd issues with my senses like vision disturbances and dry mouth. As for the RLS, I thought that was only when people are trying to sleep, not during the waking hours.

21-07-10, 15:31
Yeah I'd always thought it was a night thing two. When it first started it was mainly at night but I sometimes get it being sat at a desk or even sitting or laying on the sofa.

It's a pain in the a** for sure, but least I know it's harmless which sets my mind at ease.

21-07-10, 16:16
Is there a test for RLS or a tell tale symptom? I need somthing to hang my hopes on cuz I can't afford to go to a doctor so I would love it if there was some sign or test that I could look into.

21-07-10, 18:50
Does anyone know the timeline for these neuro diseases? I am too scared to google them so does anyone know?

21-07-10, 19:38
Hey, since i read your post i started feeling weard first on my left hand, then on my legs, so now i feel that my legs and a bit of my hand are totally nomb. Copy cat. its anxiety i suspect. No pain just the feeling.

29-07-10, 10:33
Hey thought i would add my two cents.

Recently been diagnosed with Anxiety and the symptoms you describe. It felt like i had a phone buzzing in my leg or that i was standing on something that was vibrating.

I originally believed it to be something like MS so entered panic mode, but i was checked over by a Neurologist who stated i was perfectly healthy and referred me to a psychotherapist for further treatment. So overall don't worry about it.

29-07-10, 14:56
Thanks for the responses. I am still coming to terms with this symptom and how it is probably all from anxiety. Hopefully I will get there soon.

29-07-10, 15:20
Hi j2, i also get the buzzing in the foot. I have no reason for it, just wanted to let u know ur not alone xx

29-07-10, 15:51
i had buzzing in leg too it went away after a few weeks. I'm not a betting man but it sounds like HA is your problem, not MS or any other neuro problem. Today i had a sore throat and panicked it's throat cancer, what will it be next week? Go to the doctor if symptoms persist or get worse but otherwise we should all remember that we have HA before panicking over symptoms