View Full Version : Needing the toilet

20-02-06, 18:27
Hi all

Ive had anxiety for 5 years, and for the last 3 and a half years ive had the specific sympton of needing to urinate and needing to get to the toilet fast, when sometimes i dont even need to urinate. This happens when ever im inside a building, eg, cinema, shopping centres, small shops, especially when im standing in a queue. I seem to have locked onto this problem and is the only anxiety sympton i suffer from, i do not know if this is a good thing or bad thing, becuase ive had it for so long, does anybody else have this? or anybody get over this and how? This is really starting to ruin my life.

20-02-06, 18:56
a common symptom

have you read claire weekes books she talks of this frequently

hope this helps

20-02-06, 19:20
Hi and welcome aboard.

I have not had this in particular but I always have to have at least 2 wee's before I go out anywhere just in case I need to go.

I am sure others will come along that will be able to help more.


22-02-06, 11:09
Hi Back2Basics

I also suffer with this feeling to urinate when im out and im sure its a symptom of anxiety as i can be at home for hours and not need to go at all then as soon as ive left the house (after using the loo a few hundred times lol) ill be needing to go all the time!

Have you tried any pelvic floor muscle exercises? Maybe this will help,ive been meaning to start doing them for a while now,maybe knowing you have strong muscles down there will lessen the anxiety because you'll have more confidence in your bladder!

Good Luck x

22-02-06, 12:43
[:I] Oops sorry should've checked your gender first! I just came back to post up a link to some pelvic floor muscle exercises and something told me to check your gender!

Well the exercises wont be of any help to you! Very sorry about that! [Oops!] [:I]

If you feel a stronger need to urinate when you are out of the house then im sure it will be down to anxiety however have you seen a doctor to make sure there arn't any underlying problems? I know its hard but try not to worry about it too much when your out and try not to think about it all the time this might just make it worse!

Avoiding caffeine and drinks and food with artificial sweetners might also help! Failing that take advantage of the fact you are a man and it'll be easier for you to find some quiet alley somewhere! ;)

25-02-06, 10:46

I just wanted to say that I have just joined this website and read you message, in one way it was so nice to see that I wasn't the only person in the world that needed the toilet quickly, on the other I can completely understand what you are going through. I have suffered exactly the same for many years now and although it has slightly improved it is still there, I cannot travel on public transport or travel long distances without the worry of the toilet. I also panic in shops that do not have toilets or out walking. I just hope like you that we can find something on this site to help us both.

Keep in touch


04-07-08, 14:33

It always happens to me since 1999. has ruined my life and thanks God I have a husband that has a lot of patient. this is a Phsycological problem I know but the needing the toilet can not stop it and when Im doing some wee is a lot. Sometimes when I feel like and I am out of house start sweating my hands and my heart start beating. Is like I can't control it so please If someone has a solution be welcome in here.
