View Full Version : Drinking tea!??

21-07-10, 14:53
This makes me really panicky, does anyone else feel like this?

its like every time i drink tea i start to feel anxious and panicky, its a shame because i love tea

21-07-10, 14:55
No but some time when i drink coffee i do. maybe have a herbal tea. green teas ok prob the best out of the lot.

21-07-10, 14:57
Tea, like coffee has caffine.

Possibly not the best drink for people like us who suffer from anxiety. I gave up drinking both 2 years ago in favour of herbal tea.

May be worth a try to see if it works for you.

21-07-10, 15:56
Perhaps if you don't like herbal teas you could try drinking decaffeinated tea.

21-07-10, 16:40

I used to drink lots of tea and especially coffee but since my kind of break down a couple weeks ago I have totally cut out caffiene - not occasionaly drink decaf coffee but there are plenty nice herbal teas out there. I suppose its about trying to eradicate anything in the diet that might highten anxiety and caffiene is one of the worst offenders.

21-07-10, 16:51
hey i love my tea 2 so i started drinking decaff tea i have about 10 cups a day and it doesnt affect me anymore and theres not really alot of different in taste .. so try decaff first u wont be dissapointed

lisa x

07-12-10, 14:11
Drinking four or more cups of tea every day could be more beneficial than drinking water. They say that tea not only rehydrates you as well as water does, but it can also offer protection against heart disease and cancer. It is commonly thought that drinking tea leads to loss of fluid and may lead to dehydration. But according to researchers, the water in the tea can actually help replenish fluids in the body.

07-12-10, 15:12
That sounds good for business!!

07-12-10, 16:39
I switched to decaf tea, I don't notice the difference. I am a caffeine free zone now and I don't miss it.

mr badger
07-12-10, 16:55
It might also be that as this has happened a few times, tea now reminds you of being anxious. Try drinking it somewhere untypical or changing the type of tes.

07-12-10, 21:58
I suffered from a Caffeine addiction about a year ago, i was having about 6-7 cups of tea, 6-7 cups of coffe and about 6 pints of energy drinks a day, and i wasy freaking out, and when i finally blacked out i realsied that i had to stop. i still drink Tea from day to day, but i havent touched coffee or energy drinks in just over a year now.