View Full Version : Hi Folks, newbie here,

21-07-10, 17:34
Hello all,

On day two of cit and stumbled across you all whilst looking up effects of the treatment, no point in lurking so jumped straight in.

I have always known I was not wired up quite like the rest but never able to pinpoint why. Just had a horrific couple of months were my company went bust and I split with someone I adored.

Being sensitive and anxious was not helped by my love of the booze that led (surprise surprise) to my low esteem and depression.

On 10mg of CIT for a month to see how it goes, had a lot of the side effects but nothing too drastic (thank goodness)

one quick question please if someone can help. for a long time now (months) i have a high pitched whining or buzzing in my head that really drives me nuts at times. Cant hear it when normal noise is about but when quiet it is deafening. Any ideas if the treatment will help it in time?

Thanks in advance

May today be your best day, repeat tomorrow

21-07-10, 17:37
Hi Simon46

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Veronica H
21-07-10, 20:22
:welcome:Simon. Glad that you have found us. Get the Doc to check your ears. Sensitised nerves can cause hearing and or sight disturbances though.


21-07-10, 20:59
Thanks for that guys,

Have noticed a slight dip in my eyesight performance of late, will get it checked, many thanks


Vanilla Sky
21-07-10, 21:13
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

22-07-10, 00:14
Welcome Simon!!! You/ve been through the mill it seems! I hope that you find help here and that you feel better really soon!

22-07-10, 16:10
Hi Simon,

Welcome to NMP. Lots of support and help here to help you in your recovery.

Glad the citalopram has not caused too much in the way of side effects.

Take care.