View Full Version : heart attack

21-07-10, 19:43
hi guys i was wondering sometimes i get like a ache in my arm slightly,it upsets me but heartattack pain is sudden and sore shooting in the arm right?seems to be my symptom last fews days xxthanks xx

21-07-10, 20:28

21-07-10, 21:07
Hi Sam

No a shooting pain in the arm is not symptomatic of a heart attack, there would also be other physical signs as well.

You're not having a heart attack, promise. :flowers:

21-07-10, 21:16
just achy parts in my arms evey now and again,hate it when its on the left arm thou xx

21-07-10, 21:28
Hi, I too have been getting aching in my left arm, right arm and sometimes my leg, also my left jaw hurts when I press it. I have come to the conclusion that its related to my computer use ie rsi, I hope this helps.

margaret jones
21-07-10, 21:30
Hi Sam
I have pain in my left arm and shoulder also left front chest all to do with my posture neck problems .

It is scary even if i try and ignore it wish it was my right side would i still worryt ????


21-07-10, 22:02
thanks guys i have a achy jaw when i press on it too,think it maybe neck posture and computer now u have said that much prefer pains on the right side thou

22-07-10, 08:06
I told on the other thread about my friend that developed depression and panic after her dad died of heart attack, she was experiencing exactly all the symptoms of heart attack and was "playing" them every time she was having panic attack, and thinking she was having a heart attack.

it all was unintentionally of course.