View Full Version : my daily diary

21-07-10, 21:24
sorry to bore everyone but i feel at this stage that doing this may help. i can only try. yesterday was a good day, i felt happy and able to laugh with hubby but did not leave the bedroom much, so not that good i guess. today i have left the bedroom a lot more but feel quite bad, managed to go see hubbies nan but felt poo the whole time. i so wish i could wave a magic wond coz i dont know if i can cope with for to much longer, its driving me mad, i could cry :scared15: i really want to visit my faily but they live 300 mile away and thers NO way i can do that. i'm getting fed with always having a head ache and feeling giddy. i'm even scared to eat to much incase i am actually sick :blush: lets hope tomorrow is a better day:bighug1:

22-07-10, 17:36
felt awful this morning but got a little better as the day went on. had a nice time with a friend who visited, that made me feel a bit human. hope tomoz is better, got to go out early and mornings are the worst at the mo. feeling very tired today, so early night i think, trouble is i end up sitting up till god knows what time......must go to bed early!!!