View Full Version : We've been evicted - Panic attacks!!!

21-07-10, 21:29
We got a letter through the door a few hours ago, it was an eviction noticed from our landlord. Due to personal circumstances she needs us to move out within 2 months.

I suffer from daily panic attacks, i'm terrible social phobic and agoraphobic (to the point of being with my own family causes massive panic attacks).

The thought of moving is making me have panic attacks, the whole process of looking round new houses, which my partner says i HAVE to do. When ive done this in the past i've made a fool of myself eachtime, by having to run out of the house before the viewing has ended, and walking round the house shaking, in tears.

When we got this house, it was from my fiances friend, she compleately understood and vacated the house so i could look around it on my own.
Sadly, i dont think anyone else would be quite so understanding!

Then theres the moving day, changing keys, travelling, our familys helping, removal men.
I just dont know how i am going to cope.

I'm crying now and having chest pains (which i get regualary) at just the thought of this and the build up.

I'm so frightend and feel so useless.

22-07-10, 00:12
Oh Miss Moose, HUGGGGGGGS I really feel for you.
Try and not get too worked up and I hope you find soemthing soon

jude uk
22-07-10, 02:32
First thing speak to your local housing and let them know the situation. A letter from your landlord explaning they need the house back will go along way to getting a flat from them.
Also check out your rights. Shelter is a leader in this and will give you great advice. You may not have to move straight away I.E. within the 2 months as there are certain legal things your landlord must do. A letter of eviction is not legal and they would have to go to court to remove you from the property.

The main thing is not to worry but do see
1. Housing....they can give you a flat hopefully
2. Shelter for all your legal rights

22-07-10, 02:47
Hello Miss Moose
I hope you dont mind me replying to you so soon! please just take one event at a time, im sorry to hear you have to move at all but you never know it could be better for you some how, i know thats the last thing from your mind now but please hold on and just take one bit at a time.stop running ahead in your mind no one can live like that.


22-07-10, 06:55
miss moose, I hope it will make you feel better:

During the past 10 years we have lived in 4 countries, we have changed the houses around 7 times, means its 14 packing and unpacking excersises. I started having attacks when we left the second country to the 4th house. It was not the only reason for me developing GAD but contributed hugely, because of unsettlement.
Just try and think that it will be over soon

22-07-10, 12:50
As long as the LL has served you at least the notice required in the tenancy agreement than this will be upheld when did your tenancy agreement expire.

The first thing to do is contact your local council housing section and also see what the Housing Associations offer as far as private tenancies.

Call the council and find out if they use the LHA scheme and if so what the rates are if you need financial assistance.

You are worried bout looking round new properties, let the agent come and then ask if you can spend a little time with them outside so that you can take a good look round, most properties will be unfurnished when at viewing stage so this shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Try and find a long let property avoid 6 month lets if possible so that this is not something you have to face too often. Gumtree are quite good for lets.

Best of luck to you you have 2 months tell that panic to stop being so strong and use this time to your advantage.. thinking of you x

22-07-10, 17:32
Hi Miss Moose,

Sorry to hear about your worries at the moment. But, maybe you need to turn it around and instead of thinking how awful and terrible it is going to be for, look at it as a challenge to help you get better from all the things you suffer from. We all have to start somewhere on the road to recovery and sometimes a forced issue is the only way.

Make a list of things that you will have to do and tackle them one at a time, that always helps me. I know you say you just can't cope with it, but you will, but a positive attitude is a must. We have all had to face things we just didn't want to do but we always make it through.

I hope you don't think I am being mean in anyway, because that's not my intention, just words of encouragement and ideas for you to get through this. The thing is once you have done this you will be able to look in the mirror, be proud of yourself and maybe that will lead to you being able to do other things in the future. I'm sure you don't want to be a prisoner to this horrid thing forever. Make a pact with yourself that you will try you best, ask your partner for extra help and understanding and the satisfaction you will get from accomplishing this will help you move onward and upward.

Take care, be kind to yourself, praise yourself often and keep telling yourself you can do this.

Natalie x

23-07-10, 23:38
Thank you for all your advice and support.

I went to look at the first house today, I wasn't convinced i would go in, i was so panicky and felt awful but I did it!:yahoo:
I asked the man if i could look upstairs while he was talking to my partner Daniel downstairs, so that meant that if thats the best i could do then i'd atleast seen the whole house, very quickly.
When i came back downstairs, the man said come back up and i'll show you around. At this point i was feeling so sick and having a panic attack but i had to hold it together.
I started to calm down enough to go down in to the bastment utility room and into the garden where we met one of the neighours.
I then had another panic attack but managed to stay for the full viewing.

After the viewing, went to see my grandma to tell her about the house, went to the shop for some boxes and then on to 3 estate agents. I felt so ill and panicky but i did everything i needed to do, and more.

We have 4 more house viewings to do next week, i'm still terrified but i'm going to keep trying, even if i dont go into them and just stay in the car, i'll try my very best.

I've been extremely tired and emotional all day, but i think it's down to all this stess and panic?

Also, to make it easier on us both, Daniels going to arrange it so we are paying rent on this house and the new one for a week so we have a week to move everything over in a calmer way rather than all the hustle and bussle in one huge scary day.

Thank you all again, i'll keep you posted.