View Full Version : No Ibuprofen....what can I use?

21-07-10, 22:43
Me again!

On top of everything else I have pulled an old back muslcle injury again...and now I know I can't use any ibuprofen which I would have always used.

Can anyone advise on something better than paracetamol for this sort of thing?


21-07-10, 23:20
I hurt my back a few weeks ago and thought I couldn't use ibuprofen while on citalopram but my doc told me I could and I took them 3 times a day for9 days and was fine. Also try heat packs they should help ease some discomfort!
Hope ur back is better soon:)

Going home
21-07-10, 23:24
Why can't you use ibuprofen? This is my preferred choice of painkiller too.

Anna xxx

21-07-10, 23:31
The instructions in the citalopram packets tell you not to take it as it can cause internal bleeding but when I asked my gp she said they look at everybody individually, like I am under 30 and fairly healthy etc!

21-07-10, 23:32
There's a possibility that taking Ibuprofen together with an SSRI can increase the risk of bleeding in your stomach. Like AJS, I was recently prescribed a similar painkiller, despite being on fluoxetine. It's not an absolute no-no, just something you need to be cautious about - and to discuss with your doc rather than just wire in,

Going home
21-07-10, 23:34
Thanks for the information, I wasn't aware of it but will keep it in mind.

Anna xxx

22-07-10, 07:22
Thanks a lot guys, will give my GP a call today and see what she says then. As some of my anxiety is linked to being stuck indoors I do want to make sure I stay mobile and at work

Jo xxx

22-07-10, 12:26
Dear All

Just to let you know I have now spoken to my doctor and she has given me the ok to take ibuprofen.

Her points to me were that they are controlled as anyone who already has internal bleeding or is at risk of should avoid them and as long as it is restricted use (so no mad pill popping) they are safe to take short term for specific problems.

So as usual the advice is to ask your doctor about your own personal circumstances, but I for one am very relieved

Thanks again

22-07-10, 15:07
Hiya - i'm on 30mg cits, 80mg propranolol and 30mg buspirone. I also take ibuprofen (neurofen plus to be exact) every month for my chronic period pain. Doc told me it was fine. I've being on all these meds for 2 years and have had no adverse affects whatsoever. I would suggest if you are concerned to try soluble solpadeine (sorry not sure of spelling). They make me gag but i have to admit they are VERY effective too.

22-07-10, 15:19
That's good news, the more reassurance the better for me

Thanks so much - I am prone to sprains and the fact that I can use the only useful drug for them is a good feeling (and we all need more of those!)