View Full Version : Group task - We can help eachother.

22-07-10, 03:26
I'm thinking we should start some kind of thing to do for the day mission/task or whatever.
It should start as something simple like "enjoy a hobby for 20 minutes" to something greater like "hold a conversation with a stranger for 5 mintues", it's probably better if we start little and work up to big, we could all post how we got on and what we found bad, good and interesting, just hearing about other peoples reactions to situations, what emotions they felt, how this might have helped or made things worse could really help me (and probably others) understand where I'm going wrong and could also help you :)
I don't know if I'm making a lot of sense but I'd like to know your ideas anyway, something we could all achieve and could bring is all a bit closer together. 23.07.10 - Get yourself feeling nice, do your hair, make-up, wear something you really like, some of you could even go the whole hog and make a friday night of it, ENJOY, let us know how you get on.

22-07-10, 10:55
oohh I think this is a really good idea
what's the first challenge?

22-07-10, 11:35
great idea

22-07-10, 14:51
I'll give a go too, I really like this idea xxx

22-07-10, 15:58
Yes i like this idea too!

i guess people maybe have to set their own challenges for themselves?!

although we could try and do a group one but everyone might be at different stages xx

22-07-10, 19:45
Guess we should start tomorrow, trying to think of things that would suit everyone, any ideas? Would be great if more people got involved ")

22-07-10, 19:54
excellent idea - i'll try and think of a task too!

22-07-10, 23:50
I'll participate.

23-07-10, 00:29
how about something like gettin dressed up really nice for the day? hair, make up, clothes etc?! could even do photos?! x

23-07-10, 01:14
I will try too.
Little attempts could give us a feel of moving one step ahead. And be cheer leaders for one another.

23-07-10, 09:58
Im in! I like the idea of getting dressed up and pampering myself :)

23-07-10, 11:42
Yeah, getting ourselves looking nice is a good one, it's been a while since I put the effort in. That should be today's . 23.07.10 - Get yourself feeling nice, do your hair, make-up, wear something you really like, some of you could even go the whole hog and make a friday night of it, ENJOY, let us know how you get on.

23-07-10, 12:01
i'm going to start getting dressed up and making myself feel good for the dayx

23-07-10, 19:44
well i have washed my hair with the old charles worthington set..nice!

also put on a full face of make up!

24-07-10, 17:29
Hope you all had fun yesterday! Igot myself looking reasonable and went out with a friend for an hour but had a few too many glasses of wine so today i'm feeling too exhausted to even move. Never felt tiredness like this before, I feel TOO relaxed (makes a change) but it's scary to not have adrenaline surging through my veins giving me that get up and go kick.

24-07-10, 17:33
I think tomorrows task should be 15-30 minutes of gentle exercise, i'd love to know what you did, how many and for how long, sort of like gym buddies without the need to be in an uncomfortable situation. Who walks? howfarrr? x

24-07-10, 19:43
I will do half an hour of my pole dancing, been so low for last 2 months I couldnt face it so that is my mission.
Good luck to everyone!!

24-07-10, 19:45
I've done 2hrs walking round the shops, does that count?!

24-07-10, 20:56
I did a 25 min walk, in the rain - get me! LOL x

24-07-10, 21:02
I've been out for 3 walks, aching now cos i pushed myself hard yday. ohh and i danced for about 30 mins earlier, crazy mentallist dancing aha.

Caz 47
24-07-10, 23:08
ive worked in my garden all day .... now im shattered ......

24-07-10, 23:51
I went and checked out my boathouse. Then went down to the river - there were two replicas that have come on the river for touring - The Pinta and the Nina. Pretty neat.

25-07-10, 08:48
This is great, I went to a festival yesterday, The Big Cheese in Caerphilly, got the at 11 and walked pretty much all day until 5.30. Although we caught the free bus from outside our house which was full, had no windows to open and had to sit by a stranger I still managed to get myself on the bus to come home and was rewarded with an empty bus, the seat behind the drivers open window and the sun roofs open! I promised myself I'd have fun, forget to be anxious and enjoy family and friends who joined us and I really really did!
All in the name of exercise and casual therapy!

25-07-10, 12:59
I pampered myself on Friday. Had a shower and took my time rather than rushing. Then I did my hair and makeup.
I didnt see the exercise part until today, so Ill just say that yesterday I baked millionaires shortbread and watered my plants.

26-07-10, 00:10
:) seems like everybody had fun... Anybody wanna choose something for tomorrow?

26-07-10, 08:24
I got themselves looking and just went with a friend, an hour, but had a few too many glasses of wine today, so I do not feel too tired even to move. Never felt so tired before

26-07-10, 09:59
How about we all go outside and find something beautiful. It could be a sunset, flower, animal. Just something that makes us smile, rather than just seeing the world as a big old scary place.

26-07-10, 11:39
That's a good idea, go outside and find something beautiful, some of you could even include a picture of what you found, I think I might, I'm quite lucky to live a minutes walk from a stretch of pretty fields.

29-07-10, 10:59
doea anyone have any other ideas about tasks we can do? I really enjoyed this thread! Can't think of anything myself though right now!!

29-07-10, 12:33
I think today maybe we could do something nice for someone else? a favour or just something to cheer someone else up. Sometimes Anxiety can make rely a lot on others, so Im thinking this is a way of paying them back for their kindness? what does everyone think to that? x

29-07-10, 19:13
Ok, so I gave someone a lift today. Sounds really basic and mundane but Ive not been able to drive for a long time! It was something that challenged me and I also felt good doing something for someone else for a change!

Bring on tomorrow's task, Im enjoying this thread! x

29-07-10, 19:34
how about cooking a delicious meal for those we love tomorrow? If the sight of food doesn't make you want to hurl of course! I know a week or so ago the mere smell of food made me want to throw up!! The bbc good food website usually has a daily receipe in case you need some ideas

29-07-10, 20:14
Sounds good to me ................I'm going to do roast chicken with all the trimmings :yesyes:


29-07-10, 20:19
Sounds yummy Carol - I'm going to do chicken thighs stuffed with garlic soft cheese with roasted tomotoes, new potatoes with apple pie and cream for desert!

29-07-10, 20:27
I'm making Stuffed Peppers for my grandparents tomorrow. They pick up the pieces from my anxiety so they deserve me doing something for them :D
Although, cherbear32, dinner at yours sounds delicious. Room for one more? :winks:

29-07-10, 20:33
Stuffed peppers sounds yummy Shinderuko - can i come to yours instead?lol

29-07-10, 20:35
Not sure how that would work. Erm yours first then mine?? Lol.
Enjoy your meals tomorrow everyone :)

30-07-10, 00:07
OOhh great idea, I can't really cook but I think I'm going to do a bbq x have fun all x

30-07-10, 09:33
Im in! My parents are coming back from a holiday today, so Ill go out and buy some food to make them a yummy meal. Im sure theyll be happy!