View Full Version : worried left arm pain

22-07-10, 11:21
i am really happy i found this site, i thought i was alone. I have been suffering with left arm pain for the past six months n obviously the first thing that comes to my head is my heart.I have seen 4 different doctors and even been to a&e, i have had blood tests done and ecgs and all came back normal, they put it down to stress and anxiety which i am now on propranalol for the anxiety. But even though they say nothings wrong with me i cannot help but feel they r missing something. I do worry about eveything, but its the pain in my left arm what is causing me to worry at the moment.

22-07-10, 13:01
I get this too but it doesnt worry me so much anymore as I know it is my anxiety causing it but it used to terrify me and I would get more anxious and then my arm would feel worse and it would go on for days and weeks at a time, now I realise what it is and I try to talk sense into myself and chill out when it happens, I know that is hard though, my left arm tands to ache all the way down it and feel tingly at times too, if you can just try to relax it will help, its just a vicious circle, the more your arm hurts them more your anxiety rises which makes your arm hurt even more and so it continues, you need to try and break the pattern, I still get the pain in my arm and I still get the anxiety but I try really hard to keep calm and busy (It doesnt always work though but I do know in my heart that it just the anxiety causing it)

Hope you get it sorted out and find something that helps you.

22-07-10, 20:09
I know this is an old thread I'm posting on but I'm hoping someone out there is looking in on it. I am suffering from an acheing, heavy feeling in my left arm. It kind of feels weak but isnt actually weak. Just seems that my brain thinks it is?? This follows a weekend of a bad pressure headache. My left leg also a bit odd too. Saw GP yesterday who thinks it's all part of my anxiety issues but I'm so scared it is something neurological or worse.

22-07-10, 20:14
Sezios - the thread was only created today so isn't old.

My partner had an aching left arm and they could find no reason for it. It settled down after a few weeks and we put it down to a bit of stress causing it.

Are you sure you are not laying on it funny at night? Also it could be your back causing the pain.

22-07-10, 21:29
Hi, Could it be computer use ie rsi?

22-07-10, 21:46
I will get the arm and leg odd feeling. Weak but not, soft feeling like it isn't solid there. My chiropractor helps with that.
Yes it could be computer use or lying on it tensed up while sleeping. I have had that reason too.

kirsty 22..........how does the propanalol help your anxiety and what other symptoms. Thinking about a script I was given but not sure