View Full Version : Total Exhaustion

22-07-10, 11:24
calm kind of low day at the moment, but hit with almost total exhaustion whilst still having some low level bubbling anxiety right now. Not a great nights sleep last night, but am almost asleep at my desk.

Day 9 on CIT and have calmed somewhat with the anxiety

Anyone know if this exhaustion is to be expected and normal?


22-07-10, 11:32
Its been over 3 days for me as well since the blip, and i feel exausted as well but not quite yet i think - the anxiety is weir today, but I am in the cloud and the eyes are very cloudy, its like everythign is a bit blur for me today, not very sharp, and a bit of frustration and deprsonalisation.

i think you are more to the end of your episode - if you are exausted,

which to me would be good news.

I am also at work and have been pretty useless for the past few days, but still trying to do some work.

22-07-10, 11:44
Morning x

Just never happy am I? lol. I know that this state is sooooo much better than the previous manic anxiety and at times just think to myself "I can't be bothered to fight it anymore" - which I suppose it just the right state we should be in as we can't recover until we stop fighting it so hard

Some anxiousness today waiting for a call back from the Doc which has probably also added to it I guess

Hope you continue to improve too xx We can beat it

22-07-10, 11:46
Hi Jo

I feel tired and exhausted since i uppered my dose to 20 mg i feel like i could fall asleep at my desk any time. I have feared this as when i was on Citalopram 3 years ago this tiredness never really left me, i go to bed so early these days it's still day light outside and when i wake up i the moring i'm still tired lol.


22-07-10, 11:54

Citalopram had this effect on me too, it usually gets better over time with most people but if it really persists and it is overly affecting your day after 6 months you should return to the GP as they may not be the medication for you and your GP can maybe offer a variation of anti depressant x

22-07-10, 12:13
Hi All

Went for a walk around the car-park to freshen up a bit and it seems to have helped a bit I think (now in the office with a fan going for some breeze)

I find it odd that for a couple of hours you can be yawning every few seconds and so tired you can't see properly and then rally again. Am hoping it is just the early days of the meds as generally I think it is working for me as I am certainly calmer

Thanks for responding though, is always great and very reassuring to chat to people when you know they understand


22-07-10, 12:25
Hi all again,

Its all together i guess and medications and anxiety and mood gets low because of the fight, it all makes us tired...

I have been taking Cipralex 10mg for 4 years and the time between my relapses gradually grew. The last one was 6 m ago and I didnt have the medications for the last 2 months, so basically I unintensionally abandoned them, because didnt have time to pick them up, because i felt good, because was trying to see if i can without them. An I didnt just stop, I was skipping for 3-4 months before as well.

And I was feeling absolutely fine until this blip came along, just accumulation of missunderstanding with my hubby, one accident at home with my daughter, then the kids left to my mam for 6 weeks, then I scratched my husbands LR ...

Then the couple of depersonalisations episodes 3-4 days ago and now I am in the cloudy place, like a limbo, cant say I am ver very bad, but confusion and a bunch of weird symptoms/sensations throw me into low mood.

Sorry for hijacking your thread, I could relate myself to your subject more, and I honestly cant figure out how to make a new thread here, i think I have not done one since I joined.


22-07-10, 12:30

No worries at all, when you need to talk you need to talk and you can hijack my thread anytime you like

If you do want to start a new one though if when you go into a forum you look at the top left of the page just where the forum starts you will see a black box with "New Thread" in it. Just click on that and start writing away


22-07-10, 12:34
Hi Thumbalina

Bless you its not about hyjacking someones thread it is about sharing and its good that you have.

I've just posted on another thread and said that we seem to feel that we can deal with old problems and then life has a habit of throwing others at us and this is a great example.

I too am right where you are, but for the first time I am actually becoming aware to something that is so obvious but always dismissed because I am the ill one (apparently) right now that limbo is very difficult my tears are inside as with the anger and hurt but I just am not reacting its the worse feeling in the world, something happens and it is ignored but you suffer the consequences.. and I'm sure later it will be turned that its my problem ... all I want to do is run cry scream and someone to say hey this is not your fault nothing makes someone do this to you..instead I am here with a glass of wine and trying to numb myself and work through it... but the breaking will come during today it always does because I will be left to wallow in it...

Low moods lift and reality hits it has to there is only so much a human mind can tolerate...

Hope you feel better soon and keep posting hun don't see it as hyjacking x

22-07-10, 12:49
Hi Sharon and Jo,


Sharon, its true that its better when you can cry than you cant,
Trapped emotions is worse, but as for me I have so many frames I have to be in that I literally dont have even a place or a time when to totally let my emotions go. The only place is on the way to and from work in the car while driving - which is not very clever.

At home - husband, kids (though now they are away), at work - obviously not, outside - my brother and his wife i wouldnt like to bother them, they know about my GAD and i tell them when i have relapse, but not more then that.
I dont know if i want to feel sorry for myself or do this why why thing. I like to function properly, I have a big list of tasks i wanted to accomplish while i can do long days at work and some stuff at home, but I feel debilitated for the past 4 days. And I now dont know is it on top of the anxiety i have the sideeffects again - because i had a 2 month break? Who knows,...
Sharon I wish you a painless breaking

Please pm me when you feel like

22-07-10, 12:56
Thanks you..

Maybe thats the problem I'm on annual leave at the moment so my mind not busy. like you I wanted to crack on get the garden done properly, train for runs ...mm sitting here smoking n drinking wine not a great idea lol. I started to clear out the small room to strip and paint it and now have no motavation at all bout it but strangely still niggles me (oh the life of the stressed hey).

Why don't you vent it out in the car blast out some tune that makes you come alive and so what if you release a few tears people pick their noses whilst driving, do their make up and text so I'm sure as long as you can see clearly then take the quiet roads the schools are on holiday and let some of that pent up stuff out, even if it is invigorating energy thats even better.. thanks for that and likewise x

22-07-10, 13:42
how about and you and me try and achive something from our list by tomorrow and report, maybe I will mend those jeans my husband asked to fix for him?

I am not sure I will be able to cry in the car on the way home though....

I forced myself to cook shepards pie two days ago that was good, though i couldnt smell or taste, and felt totally ill in the kitchen as my worst panic attacks happened in the kitchen before. It was like torchure - but i still finished, and my hubby enjoyed it. (after big attacks i loose sense of taste and smell for a while)

It was like you really need a toilet but you cant go until you find it.

I was so spaced out, i was literally scared being in the kitchen, and was like floating in anxiety, but then eventually it still felt good a bit - that i didnt abandon it half way.