View Full Version : what can this be????????

22-07-10, 14:46
just been out for my walk when i thought id try jogging for a bit,only jogged for 2 mins and my vision went all funny like a strobe effect all flickery.had my eyes tested last month and they are fine.my head feels all tense now cos i got scared by it.anyone know???

22-07-10, 14:50
I have the same thing with my eyes today and the other day as well, its blur and very strange, My eyes feel very heavy thought I cant say I want to sleep, i feel tired but my eyes are like 10 times more tired then me. It must be normal i guess, doesnt feel like that though...

22-07-10, 15:09
could it be adreneline?my eyes feel tired now,i just want to lay down with my eyes closed.

22-07-10, 15:15
maybe - could be adrenalin, whatever it is - it gives extra worry to me,....

22-07-10, 15:21
Hi there

Do you regularly run? if not then if you are not breathing properly and you heart rate increases this can give you a whooshy head feeling that makes the eyes go blurry.

Always ensure that you are hydrated and that you are in good health before embarking on a running exercise plan...

If you are not a regular runner then try walking for 5 minutes gradually picking up the pace ensure that you are breathing regularly and your shoulders relaxed .. then after 5 minutes run for a minute and then start to do a sprint walk to allow your heart rate to decrease gradually walk for 2 minutes and then run for a minute.. ensure you are breathing and this can involve breathing in through mouth and nose and exhaling through mouth... if you are getting light headed you may be running to fast so slow down the speed and ensure that you take deep breaths from stomach to get your breathing regulated again x

22-07-10, 15:24
Eyes are a big thing for me at the moment. they feel dry and gritty and tired alot of the time which then makes me panic im going to lose my sight. its horrible but apparently perfectly normal for anxiety sufferers.

22-07-10, 15:41
thanks for info and replies,its not so much blurry,more flashing like a strobe light,but no not jogged for a long time.

22-07-10, 15:48
I really think that it is probably that you overdone the first run... if enough oxygen wasn't getting around then it would give you this feeling... you may need to ensure that your blood levels are normal before running again.. why not start with power walking and build up don't let it put you off exercise ... x

22-07-10, 15:55
I really think that it is probably that you overdone the first run... if enough oxygen wasn't getting around then it would give you this feeling... you may need to ensure that your blood levels are normal before running again.. why not start with power walking and build up don't let it put you off exercise ... x
i walk briskly for an hour each day with no probs,always aware of my breathing tho,had recent blood tests all fine so probs need to sort out breathing.x

22-07-10, 20:47
Hi there
If the disturbance is like a wavy circle and flashing it'll probably be an Optical migraine. I get them frequently usually when I move from one light intensity to another. The flashing normally lasts for 15-20 minutes. I've been assured by an Eye Consultant that it's just "one of those things and nothing to worry about"

22-07-10, 21:48
thanks john,it felt more like i was blinking very rapidly or looking at a strobe,and it only came on after pushing myself a bit.:unsure: