View Full Version : constent Nausea all day except sleeping

22-07-10, 15:17
i have anxiety/panic disorder and even though i dont feel anxious sometimes i feel dizzy like off balenced like im on a boat an i feel servere nausous but i can manage to eat fine, kind of like motionsickness I have been dealing with this off and on for over a year and had all the tests and found nothing and doctors say its anxiety , im 21

can you get this even though u don't feel overly anxious?

what can i do for relief ?i dnt want to try anti depressants/anxiety meds can't bare the side effects

i feel like im looseing the will to live with this as it keeps comeing back even after weeks ,

23-07-10, 09:17
I find that I feel sick all the time - but when I am a sorbet in something I don't notice it. So I think there is some level of worry affecting my tummy.

Hope that helps

23-07-10, 11:07
hey leebe18 i was gonna do this thread until i saw you wrote it, im going through the exact same thing atm i hope we can find some answers, i totally understand losing the will to live feeling.

23-07-10, 14:12
thanks chris, when did yours start? and is it constant ?, do u actully feel anxious with it?