View Full Version : Feeling so down!!!!

22-07-10, 16:18
I haven't been on for a while as thing's have been pretty much better.

I do pop in to see what's going on ect,and sometimes need to leave a post.

I had some blood tests done a couple of weeks ago and my gp has said that the high dose of citalopram is not helping with my weight gain and she has reduced the dose.I was on 60mg,then it went to 60mg one day and 40mg the next for a few weeks.Now its 40mg.Since the last week My moods have been very up and down,had a tearful day today and just feel crap!!!!!
Im seeing my gp tomorrow about my results,and think I will bring the subject up about how Im feeling.

Is anyone else reducing there dosage at the moment.:shrug::shrug::shrug:

22-07-10, 16:28
I wrote before that stopes for 2 month my cipralex and now I back and feeling not very good, I think it could because of the sideffects. But we have to tolerate them I guess, or maybe it just the access anxiety about the changes.

margaret jones
22-07-10, 20:13
:hugs:for you Yorkylove sorry you are feeling down maybe the Dr will have a solution to help you feel better .

Take Care Maggie another :hugs:

23-07-10, 13:17
Dr told me I have metabolic syndrome,if I lose weight it will help all my symptoms.Relieved to know what I have but also upset!!!!

Does anyone else here have this problem??????????????????:hugs:

23-07-10, 15:09
:)sorry, no i cant help you at all - was just wondering though what is 'metabolic syndrome'?