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View Full Version : Abdomen feelings :(

California Girl
22-07-10, 17:36
Hi everyone :)

I am wondering if anyone can help me as i'm going out of my mind.

Since I had my first child I have had this strange feeling under my right rib/ abdomen near my belly button. It feels like pins and needles and like something is 'sticking out'. Sometimes there is pain which reaches into my back.

I find it starts when I bend over i.e when I get the washing out the machine etc.

I did think it could be indigestion or wind, but I find when i'm completlety relaxed it isnt there.

I also have IBS and suffer from constipation 99% of the time.

It is really worrying me, it makes me feel so unhealthy.
Has anyone had this before, could it be Anxiety related?

Thanks x

margaret jones
22-07-10, 18:12
Hi Summer how old is your baby ??? and did you have a c section ??

California Girl
23-07-10, 08:09
Hi there, my daughter is 18 months and I had a Vontouse delivery with spinal block, hope this helps x

margaret jones
23-07-10, 13:16
Hi Summer could it be a strained muscule in your tummy ??? maybe get the Gp to have a look at it if it is bothering you at least you can have your mind put to rest

Running around after a 18mnth old doesnt leave much time for you , but she needs a happy mummy so maybe get it looked at

Take care Maggie

23-07-10, 14:09
Hi Summer, I also wonder whether it could be a trapped nerve following your spinal block; I know that these can happen occasionally. Have a chat with your GP about it.