View Full Version : Having a set back thanks to the flu

22-07-10, 20:47
I've not had any real symptoms of anxeity or depression in quite some time, However over this past week I've had the flu which has developed onto a sinus and ear infection. I went to the doctor today about this infection and thought I was going to lose it, even in the car my stomach churned with anxiety and nerves, Once I got to the doctors I had to run to the toilet, Then all evening I feel very very low, almost like I am going to lose my mind, I've not felt this way for years and I know rationally its just my body working overtime to try and fight the infection but this doesn't help my symptoms. Have you ever felt like this? I feel a bit scared to be honest.

23-07-10, 06:13
SaM, had this in Feb, I think, I don count that though as a st back, I also had sinus but also a high fever almost 40 for many days which made me hallucinate, and itsnot good when you having anxiety anyway,andthe danger is pretty real this time. It takes a while to get over it, it took me couple of weeks. I also lose apperite, have runs and nausea, shakes and all the flu symptoms as well.

jaded jean
23-07-10, 06:49
I am just starting a cold/flu and I have started shaking today and basically dont feel like doimg a thing. my mind is on fast forward its horrid , I dont need this especially with the increase of meds :weep:

23-07-10, 06:57
Hey Guys,

I just recently got over a bug and antibiotics etc, i think it always makes you feel a bit crap and anxious when your sick as everything we feel with the illness is doubled as we worry just that little bit more....

One thing i do notice is cause im worrying more about being sick, the anxiety sometimes goes on the back burner for a little while.......funnily enough until im better!!!! go figure that out???

Hope your feeling better soon mate..

23-07-10, 07:02
Sam, I hope you get well soon, just think that it will be over soon.

23-07-10, 13:04
I think anxiety and depression are starting to take hold again after about 3 years anxiety free. When I feel a bit crappy what usually lifts my mood is to go out shopping then get something nice to eat for lunch. I went out this morning and had zero interest at all, in fact couldn't wait to get home, and never ate anything, I've not ate anything since yesterday morning and that is not me, I have no interest in eating, I am just so tired when I get up, I'm ok sitting or lying down, I bought a can of redbull this morning to try and get me going, Big big mistake, all it did was send my anxiety through the roof and give me no more energy. Grrrrr