View Full Version : Free online cbt course

22-07-10, 21:23
Dear members,

This is a fabulous free online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Course, it is written by Dr Chris Williams, he is a Professor and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist at the University of Glasgow.

It is something that can be done at home so it is ideal for agoraphobics too.

Click on the link below to take you to the course.

www.livinglifetothefull.com (http://www.livinglifetothefull.com)

22-07-10, 21:40
Thanks Di, Im going to take a look now.

22-07-10, 21:50
Thank you. I'm on my way to look too.

30-07-10, 20:09
Just signed up. Let's see how it goes :)

30-07-10, 20:15
oh wow thats great! thank you xx

31-07-10, 21:48
this one was recommended by my therapist during a break in course.

31-10-10, 22:05
Just like to thank Diane07 for posing the link.

I've registered tonight and already starting to realsied that there are certain things that DO bother me after all and certain things I need to change.

eg I thought it didn't bother me what people might think of me... I'm quite a tough cookie and quite strong willed, determined and confident.... but you know what I think it actually does actually bother me after all. I've also reaslised that a lot of the 'little' things such as having a messy house at times which is NOT good when people turn up unanounced (thanks family ! xx ) and daft things like bumping into my kids mums ie the 'mrs trim high fashion dont I look good and I'm so sucesssfull and my family are wonderful' type whilst out at the local shop dressed in my usual jeans and baggy jumpers with my hair pulled back into a pony tail as its a bad hair day again... DOES EMBARRAS AND BOTHER ME.

Yep I am probably far more 'successful' than they are and in reality and I can do an awful lot more than they can too but because of how they act and the fact that they 'look the part' and exude confidence in return somehow seems to gives them some sort of higher credibility and influence in life.

Mmmm do I have a rather big issue to overcome there ha ha :) Should I go blond or brunette or pink (only kidding).

So what a great learning curve I am about to go down .... just hope I don't get bored as the course so far is a lot about listeneing, looking at diagrams and imagining the scenarios but I tell you what it's already opening my eyes.

EXCELLENT and I've only done 1 hour of it so far ! DEFINATELY WORTH A TRY SO GO ON WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR.... cant lose anything by trying.

So..........I'm determined to stick with it and hope it gets more interactive as time goes on or my fingers will seize up.

'Me' vs 'It' and I WILL WIN !!! Cool :)