View Full Version : Do I suffer from panic attacks?

25-02-04, 15:26
I have just joined this forum, I think I must be suffering from panic attacks from what I have been reading, but I though I should list my symptoms and see if these are what other people are suffering from.
My number one symptom is very very dibilitating. When ever I am in a situation with unfamiliar people, I start trembling, this is mainly concentrated around my neck, which then becomes extremely stiff, I can actually feel my head trembling, and I feel like I cant move my head, so that feels terrible. I cannot hold eye contact with people when I feel like this, but I also get these "attacks" when I am on my own! I just feel shaky all the time. This is starting to dominate my life, I have noticed that I have started to drink quite a lot, and am avoiding situations. This is a problem because I have just finished working for a company in Spain, and now I have interviews lined up, but the thought of being interviewed is not very nice at all, in case I get an attack, well I know I will!!
I have suffered with this condition for over 20 years and I am fed up with the way it dominates my life, I spoke to my doctor about it a few years back, he prescribed beta blockers which did work well, but he then put me on some anti-depressents which were horrible. Thing is I am not depressed, I am a very happy go lucky person, the only thing getting me down are these attacks.
Anyway sorry for going on, so do you think these are actually panic attacks or something else?
Has anyone else had this?


25-02-04, 17:17
Dear Jack,

It could be limited form of panic but sounds more like anxiety without the crescendo of panic.

Are there any other symptoms that you find difficult ? You may be feeling your neck trembling but has anyone commented on it as often our symptoms may not be apparant to others.

You could ask go back on betablockers if they worked well- certainly for the interviews . Some Antidepressants are also licensed for anxiety and panic so you were prescribed them for that indication and not that he was suggesting that you were depressed.

Cut down the drinking before it gets a hold of you - it is a depressant and no good will come of it .

A couple of drinks because you enjoy them and they relax you is fine , drinking to rid yourself of symptoms and 'get you through a situation' is not. There have been several threads relating to alcohol so just use the search facility above.

Try not to avoid things as sooner or later you may need to face it and it will be harder if you've chosen to avoid it previously as your body will have stored it up, in memory as a danger and thus next time it arises it will tell you so - in no uncertain symptoms !

The way through this is to expose yourself slowly to the situations that bother you - very slowly and in a controlled fashion whilst keeping your thought processes rational and positive.

Take care - let us know how you're doing ..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

26-02-04, 12:08
Thank you for your reply, I think you are right really, what other things do you think are natural depresants? Yesterday I went for a hair cut ready for the dreaded interviews, I was fine as I went into the shop, but the moment I sat down, I felt my hole body tensing up again. So much to the point that I nearly got up and left the shop half way through the hair cut!! One thing was, that just before I went into the shop, I had had quite a strong coffee in the shop next door!! I think the beta blockers would be good again, for the immediate future, but I am still in Spain with no doctor and wont have time to go and see my doctor before the interviews take place. Are there any natural remedies?


26-02-04, 12:24
Hi Jack,

Rescue Remedy is good for on the spot relieve from panic. You put 4 drops on your tongue and it helps to calm you down. I dont know if they sell it in Spain though.

26-02-04, 14:49
Thanks, what is rescue remedy?


26-02-04, 17:43
Hiya Jack,

Welcome aboard!!!!!!!!!!! :)

The Rescue Remedies are just flower essences, very safe. You may want to try it for immediate relief of onset anxiety symptoms.

I am in the US so I can get the Rescue Remedies at any health food store or Vitamin Shoppe. Not sure if Spain has it available there or not. Post to let us know if you find any.

I wish you luck friend :). I hear Spain is beautiful, is that true?

Hope this has helped you a bit.

Take care,

Diana xxxx [8D]

26-02-04, 18:33

Go to the 'natural remedies' page from this sites homepage and there is stacks of info about rescue remedy and ways to use it.

You might want to cut down and stop strong coffees for a while and see if there is a difference over a two week period. The caffiene can be a huge stimulus of making your heart race for no apparant reason. You may get withdrawal if you've been having a large intake .

Fear of being trapped in barbers and hairdressers and thinking about breaking for the border and the embarrassing consequences half chopped and shorn is extremely common .

Passiflora and valarian are good herbs too.

If you have your E111 - you'll be able to find a doctor in Spain who will see you and get you betablockers.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

27-02-04, 12:13
Thanks very much, I did actually manage to get some Bach Rescue Remedy yesterday, I later went to the dentist, and took some and everything seemed to be fine!! so I will keep my fingers crossed. I think the thought of turning up at interviews with half a hair cut is probably what kept me in the chair!

Hi Diana, yes spain is very beautiful, and is with reluctance that I have to go back to the UK, but I have finished my contract and cant seem to find another here, but I do intend to return, hopefully to buy a holiday home, and when I can eventually to retire. You do have to be careful as places like Costa Del Sol tend to be full of party people, and after a while this tends to run a bit thin. But if you can speak some spanish, the local places are brilliant, I love just relaxing having a coffee and wathching the world go by, especially in Barcelona which is close to where I am living.


27-02-04, 14:54
Glad you managed the dentist Jack. Dentists are a particular phobia of mine!

Just be grateful you aren't a girl! Imagine how much more the hairdressers are when you have a load of dye and a plastic bag on your head, and are processing under they dryer!

At least with the 80's revival, a "Phil Oakey" cut might just get fashionable again!

As you read through the site, I think you will discover that most of us have some shared symptoms, but that basically panic and anxiety affects each and everyone of us in our own individual ways!

Hope you manage to find some help and support on the site


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

27-02-04, 20:22

Good news on the visit to the dentist :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done.

I hope the rescue remedies are helping you out a bit.

Thanks for the information on Spain. It sounds absolutely delightful. Lucky you!!!!!!! :-D.

keep posting to let us know how you are getting on with things.

I wish you the best of luck on your interviews. Come back to post to let us know how you do.

Take care,

Diana xxxx

10-03-04, 16:34
Hi jack, this is paradise here, I had the same symptom as u, head trembling and palpitations.
Initially, i thought it was very abnormal, and went to see psychiatrist, was told panic attack.
But becos of this , i believe that i was having a panic disorder.
Actually, i shouldn't have. My condition was very bad, self induced vomitting and depression.
well, if u suffered from the trembling, please distract yourself! Distract , dun get to know more about panic attacks, it will make u more like one! Read books unrelated , like gardening, or other kinds of magazines, go shopping, tok to your friends, dun drink caffeine products!
DISTRACT by listening to music, try aroma therapy or laugh at silly jokes.
beocs i was told i have panic disorder, i had been put on anti depressant which i think i shouldn't tyake but psychologically, i am hooked, and i think i need that to function!
If u are at the initial stage, u can take aniti anxiety medicines or try go library, garden, listen to music, distraction works, think u are excited , not panic.
remember u can do it and deep breathing exercise sometimes works, and talk and eat well!
without good nutrition, u can't get better, eat a bit at least, no coffee please.....
takes fruits juices and calcium to calm yourslf down, dub rely on medicine.
if u need advise , u u can e-mail me at paradisechion@yahoo.com.sg
though i am on my road to recovery, i am trying hard to help myself and the others.
With God's love
if u post to me at this website, i might forget to check!

10-03-04, 16:35
sorry it is paradisechionh@yahoo.com.sg

10-03-04, 16:42
Hi Paradise ,

Good news that you're doing better now.
Well done .


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

12-03-04, 02:28
Good on you Paradise.

Keep up the great work, you are sounding so positive.

Very good ideas.

Thanks for posting.

Take care,

Diana xxxxx