View Full Version : Fits?!

20-02-06, 23:27
Probably not the right place to post this...

I've been getting so worked up when I panic recently that I end up being physically unwell: sickness, upset tummy, fainting or nosebleeds.

Today it kind of went a step further. I got really anxious about entering a lecture room, and went off and panicked, which was fine until my nose started bleeding, typical.. (my friend was with me by this point) and I felt really faint... and apparently when I fainted I had some kind of fit... Not sure if this is something serious (I know it can be), but could it also just be anxiety?

I don't want to go to the doctors about it (I know probably should've already), but I'm reluctant to get into this right now as I am just about to learn to start driving, and I know that will add complications, but maybe that's more reason to get it looked at... but then I won't be able to learn for like another year-- ugh, how selfish of me.

Still feeling shaken, sorry if this doesn't make sense.

Han x

"I just wanna live my life sedated, cos I love driving myself away"

21-02-06, 00:01
Hi Hannah,

I had a series of fits between the ages of 11 and about 23, and was put on medication more or less straightaway.

Once I was 17, I was not able to learn to drive like everyone else which was a bit of a bummer. Ditto drinking, and for a while "exciting" activities such as intense travelling were discouraged as I had my first fit when I came back from a 2 week tour of Scotland.

It's only now that I find it likely that my pyschological problems triggered of my fits (they were caused by anxiety/excitement), as opposed to a tetnus jab which was the reason given at the time.

My advice is to go the doctors for advice, who will probably refer you to a neurologist.

I did without driving, and just adapted my life. Its better than being involved in an accident, especially when it puts other lives at risk too.

The sooner you get it sorted, the sooner your life will be able to be as you want it.

Take care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

21-02-06, 00:06
Hi Ray,

Thank you for the advice. I know it was a really selfish thing to say, and that I would be risking the lives of other people, etc etc, it just seems daft to make a fuss about one fit. I won't be driving for a while anyway, and would defo go and sort it if it happened again, because it would be daft too.

I am too busy focusing on this being another thing to add to things that are wrong with me, and being judged negatively. Just scared with everything I will never be able to get a job either..

Weird I am thinking so negatively whilst in a relatively positive mood. It sounds weird, but I certainly felt a heap better after the "episode"!

Thanks again, Hannah x

"I just wanna live my life sedated, cos I love driving myself away"

21-02-06, 03:35
Hi Hannah,

Sorry you're having a hard time. I really think you should get this checked out by a doctor just to be safe and definitely get it checked before you ever set foot behind the wheel of a car to drive. My Dad had one fit a year or so ago and they have stopped him driving for a year but it's in everyones interests so he didn't mind. It may be possible this is all anxiety but please get it checked for your sake and other peoples as there are many reasons for fits.


21-02-06, 11:28
Hi Lisa,

Thank you for the advice.

Let me just reassure everybody I have no intention of beginning to learn to drive before June. So surely if everything is OK by then it will probably be OK to drive (obviously if something similar were to happen then I would not even risk it). Also, I have to be driving by August next year to enable me to commute to uni from where I will be living. There is no other way that does not mean travelling for 5 hours a day when I could be doing it in less than 2.

Though, that said, if I were to have tests done for illnesses that involve fitting/seizures, and nothing came back, wouldn't it be assumed it was a one off? I am bloody hoping so. Also, with learning to drive, it wouldn't be as much of a risk what with dual controls etc, so maybe I am worrying needlessly, as I won't be driving alone for at least a year anyway. Am I panicking over nothing?! It just seems everytime I make plans, and see a way forward other things get in the way.

"I just wanna live my life sedated, cos I love driving myself away"

21-02-06, 11:41
hannah please get it seen to not for the safety of others but for your own peace of mind, it really makes sense to talk it over with your doc

ps where do ya live so i can avoid the area with my kids and car.lol

21-02-06, 11:51
Portsmouth. Would be driving in South Glos.

I wouldn't be that stupid. :(

"I just wanna live my life sedated, cos I love driving myself away"

21-02-06, 22:50

It could be your blood sugar levels dropped so you fainted.

Get it checked out with a simple blood test to put your mind at ease.

If it helps reassure you I fainted once in pain and my mum said I had a fit and she rushed me off to docs and it was fine and nothing found.

Get it checked to be sure


21-02-06, 23:52
Hi Hannah,

My sister inlaw fainted once, she suffers health anxiety, her hubby thought she had a fit. She had test for epalepsy (sorry about the spelling) the test came back normal. It seems it was due to anxiety.

Hannah, Please get yourself checked for your own peice of mind, as we all know anxiety can play many tricks on us.
When you learn to drive you don't want this thought in your head that it might be something other than anxiety.

Peace of mind goes along way.



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

21-02-06, 23:59
Hi Hannah,

I understand what you mean but if you even had just one fit you need to be checked. My Dad had one fit just over a year ago and has only ever had one so far (touch wood). Even so he was not allowed to drive until he had been a whole year without another fit, as they can't know you will never have another one until it either happens or doesn't. They think my Dad has a form of epilepsy (but could be a few other things too) possibly but the test came back negative but even a negative test doesn't rule it out apparently. Fits can be caused by many things including low blood sugar he was told. Even people with epilepsy can go ages with no fits, but with any fit, even just one, the medical advise is usually not to drive for at least a year. Please go and get checked out, there may be a simple cause but for everyones safety you need to know and not just because of the driving, although that is very important. It may just turn out to be that low blood sugar was making you shake or anxiety making you shake (and your friend thought it looked like a fit) but it does need checking by your doctor.


22-02-06, 00:23
Hi Hannah

One question - how had your eating been prior to the fainting incident?

I'm just asking because I know you do sometimes go quite a long time without eating and this combined with the panic attack could be the cause.

I agree with the other suggestions to get yourself checked out by your doctor though.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

22-02-06, 11:18

Thanks for all the advice.

I have been thinking (a lot) and have made an appointment to go to the doctors. I have figured if it was even a fit it was because of losing the blood (and I had only just eaten for the first time that day at about 3pm). But also, my friend is a bit of an idiot... so maybe she was just seeing something that wasn't there? That and I shake a lot anyway!

I also realised that if I do have any kind of condition where fits could happen randomly I don't want to drive anyway.... but I guess it's because I am pretty certain of what it isn't that I don't want to consider not driving.... hopefully if tests come back OK my doctor will see it for what it is, and it won't be a problem for me to start learning in a couple of months, right?

Thanks again

Hannah x

"I just wanna live my life sedated, cos I love driving myself away"

22-02-06, 14:07
Hi Hannah,

I'm glad you're going to the doctors. If they decide it was a proper fit then it's unlikely you'll be able to drive at all for a year but if it wasn't a fit then you should be just fine. Either way it's best to know.
Good luck,


23-02-06, 11:29
The doctors was *fun* this morning...

She seems to think it is entirely related to the food issues and I ended up having to admit the full extent of it. Which wasn't fantastic. My blood sugar, even having eaten this morning was ridiculously low.. Nevermind..

She has advised me not to drive for a while, until next appointment- but that's not really an issue. She thinks it just sounded like my body not having enough energy to deal with the panic. I said I hadn't long eaten at that point, but apparently my body wouldn't have had time to make use of the food, or wanted to (if that makes sense). The nosebleed certainly wouldn't have helped either..

So I guess that's a good outcome, right?

Thanks for all the advice.

Hannah x

"I just wanna live my life sedated, cos I love driving myself away"

23-02-06, 11:49
hi hannah,

it is a good outcome. and hopefully you are now on a path that will lead to more support for you by discussing your situation with your doctor. be positive and take care .. andrew

23-02-06, 13:41
Hi Hannah,

Well done for going to the doctors, it's good she now knows the whole story.

Take care,


23-02-06, 17:36
Hi Hannah

Good to haar you went to the doc's WELL DONE.



Peace of mind, goes along way.