View Full Version : Woahhhh, help!

22-07-10, 21:57
So I have been suffering from severe anxiety for a good five years and have NEVER experienced this feeling before. It's like a wave of depression and panic, I get a thought of feeling unreal like I don't want to live anymore. Then the panic hits me and I feel shaky, sick and really trapped in my own body. The only way I can think of getting rid of that feeling (at the time) is dying.
I just want to know what the hell this is, it's like the suicidal thoughts are bringing on these random panic attacks. I could just be sat at home watching the television and have a thought like, 'If i died, people would get over it anyway, so i might aswell' then BAM a panic attack.
I feel like I'm going MAD!
Has anyone else ever had this? Or have an explanation for this? :weep:
Alice xx

22-07-10, 22:09
Hi Alice

It sounds very much like depersonalisation / derealisation so have a search on here for those topics and you will see it is very common.

22-07-10, 22:31
Thankyou! I've read through some posts that mentioned derealization and depersonalisation, and I am now at ease in knowing it's just another one of anxiety's horrific symptoms!
It's so strong at the moment, erghhh

22-07-10, 22:45
I have had episodes of depersonalisation/derealization in the past. My doctor said it was most likely because I wasn't sleeping properly due to my anxiety/depression. I was worn out due to that and stressing a lot. She said the best thing to do is to eat well/sleep well and excercise.

For me it was just a once in a while thing, but its a really surreal feeling. I used to get feelings of being ureal, and that the world around me wasn't real (although I knew it was, my mind was telling me different).

Another thing that i've been told helps is doing something physical like running cold water over your hands or feet. I guess it's supposed to remind you that everything is real.