View Full Version : whats tha point

22-07-10, 22:27
iv been in bed the past few days woundering how im gonna live my life like i am forever trying to convince my self i can do i can be strong i can look after 3 kids 2 are not my own live with somone that dosnt help carry on not sleeping not eating right taking my meds in huge amounts as to block everything out i wounder if i made the right disthion making my bed and now liying in it its just so hard to face like being trated like crap being permantky parinoide confused sad and alone feeling like i have no worth or need in this world

i have no disire tobe whoi am a yet i have no knoalge of how to change it im to fearfull of chage stuggling witht he idea of copin gonmy own screars me bring on the feeling of everything that controlls my relity and trasnformin git to a worlf of desolit disires thati know will never come true
do i deserve to live like this yes i think i do but having the strenth to deal withit is another matter and being controld by anxiaty and the consequences taking away the hope of ever being a "normal" person abd leving broken and empty iv just had enuff what is the point is even tryingt o fight a battle that is obviously gaind controll over me and i have no fight left

sorry just need to empty my head
georga xx

22-07-10, 22:40
No need to be sorry. You just needed to let out all the emotions, and that can help a bit.

22-07-10, 23:58
dont give up say a prayer
god bless you

27-07-10, 18:53
you know where i am and you know that i love you loads. u are strong enough and there are always options. im here for you babes x

27-07-10, 19:09
iv been in bed the past few days woundering how im gonna live my life like i am forever trying to convince my self i can do i can be strong i can look after 3 kids 2 are not my own live with somone that dosnt help carry on not sleeping not eating right taking my meds in huge amounts as to block everything out i wounder if i made the right disthion making my bed and now liying in it its just so hard to face like being trated like crap being permantky parinoide confused sad and alone feeling like i have no worth or need in this world

Biggest hugs to you Hopers, this post is so sad, I can almost feel your pain right now. Why do you feel that you have to convince yourself that you need to be strong to live your life? you need to be strong to make the positive changes to be happy and content with your life. You chose to make and lay in your bed but did you realise it was going to be like this? no I doubt it so you didn't really make that option did you... you deserve consideration, love and support and you deserve to be happy and content with a life that you want.. I feel sad today too and alone but I can tell you hun that no way did I think that when I started on this path did I think this is what would happen and nor did you....you need to make changes and kick those butts that are not helping into action..maybe we can collate ideas good, helpful and just those that can be darn right evil but funny .. you need laughter and light and you need to feel appreciated and I want to be honest I have chuckled so many times reading some of your posts usually because of your spellings admittedly and you need someone that will give you that smile chuckle and hug just when you need it...

i have no disire tobe whoi am a yet i have no knoalge of how to change it im to fearfull of chage stuggling witht he idea of copin gonmy own screars me bring on the feeling of everything that controlls my relity and trasnformin git to a worlf of desolit disires thati know will never come true
do i deserve to live like this yes i think i do but having the strenth to deal withit is another matter and being controld by anxiaty and the consequences taking away the hope of ever being a "normal" person abd leving broken and empty iv just had enuff what is the point is even tryingt o fight a battle that is obviously gaind controll over me and i have no fight left

Lets find that knowledge hun, there are so many people here that care for you anxiety does not make you abnormal it takes a normal person with normal life and it gives extra strain and stress... believe in yourself ...

Decide what you really want! do you want to change what you have to be more positive and work or do you really want to start afresh both can be achieved but you need to make that decision..

We have enough fight for you.. just make sure you tune in to remember how much people do love you here, there is so much point to you being here..you give to us without even trying...

biggest hugs to you hun and remember start to kick butt but not your own hey cos that will not only hurt but might cause you to fall over x

sorry just need to empty my head

It does us all the power of good to get stuff off our chest.
georga xx

Huggles sent

31-07-10, 17:14
thanks sharon and everyone xxxx

everyhthing dose seem tobe overwhelming all the world around me shttering at once i have stopsleepin gonce agin having panic attack one afer the other especally at night i lie there mine woundering endlessly abut this life imliving i have someny questions and worries that consume my everypart i so tierd i have started hearing 2 new vocies and itslike loosing the controll i was trying so hard to keep controll of lie antoher blow to myife that just seems to go form bad worse thinking what else can acually happen that will finnish me off completly and brak my sole with is holing on with astrand

i got acompliment the other day of my mum syaing howmuch waiit i had lost ....

you se te sectret is iv been vomtin after every scrap of food thtai eat even finfing my sefl eating int hemiddle of the night just to throw up i love the empty feeling inmystomach its like a happy feeling i get wheni do it i dont think anyone nos roys never sed anything and iv been doing it for months so i think he would of sed somthing but then whenhes on the computer the world stops tohim

sorryto have waffled thanks everyone its nice to come and open up and gain suport and advice hugels xxxxxxxxxx

01-08-10, 16:12
Hey hopers.

I dont know much about your problems other than those you have mentioned in this post, you CAN get control back and you will feel better. Have you been to the doctors and asked for some therapy? Many of us on here are having therapy and it really does help.

04-08-10, 12:35
Hopers, are you getting support from the community teams or any thing like that? Could your GP make a referral? Seems to me you need to not feel so alone with this and have some support and encouragement to try different things that may slowly help you.

Hugs to you