View Full Version : Need some help about citalopram

22-07-10, 22:34
I have been on citalopram 10mg for about 2 months now...seemed to do pretty well with it, could feel a difference but now I am not able to go to sleep at night, I am exhausted all day and then when its time for bed, I am laying there tossing and turning for 3 to 4 hours, also feel very anxious while trying to fall asleep. Just wondering if anyone else can relate to this or tell me if its possible the meds could be doing it. I was told to try taking it at night instead of morning and started doing that last night but the anxiety and sleeplessness felt worse, gonna try it tonight again. Just want to sleep and feel ok in the morning! Also has anyone else found that they have the symptoms of restless leg syndrome since taking this med? I am trying my best to look at the positive side to taking this but the way things have been going I am thinking it may be better to start weaning off? Someone please help!!

23-07-10, 00:01
That seems to be a very common side effect from the meds. I had trouble sleeping for the first two or three months on these meds but now I am back to my usual sleepy self and struggle to open my eyes in the morning!!:blush:

It will eventually wear off, but unfortunately may take a while!

Just to add aswell, at first when I couldn't sleep I also still had symptoms of anxiety/depression but as time went on those disappeared and I just couldn't sleep...no feelings of anxiety or anything. Then gradually I noticed that I was dropping off to sleep quicker and quicker until I suddenly noticed that I was having a full night of sleep!

It's fantastic!!:yesyes:

23-07-10, 00:02
Oh yeah..I also had restless leg syndrome! Not every night..but the occassional night..but that also wore off and haven't had it since!

23-07-10, 01:51
Thanks for your replies, that makes me feel a bit better...only thing is the insomnia just started recently, not when i first started taking it...do you think that is normal too? And I am also curious as to whether it is better to take it at night or in the morning? I was taking it in the morning the whole time and last night and tonight i took it around 8pm to see if maybe it would make me sleep but last night it didnt and we will see tonight!

23-07-10, 07:41
I actually had restless leg syndrome before starting on these tablets and have found it hasn't really changed much since, maybe the drop in caffeine versus the taking of the tablets has kept it constant

As an aside I sometimes sleep fine on the tablets and am ok through the day and then sometimes yawn and fight my way through the day and have a bad nights sleep. I have only been on them 10 days though. I have found that loading a 25 minute mindfulness mediatation MPS onto my i-pod and listening to that when I go to bed helps though. Even when I wake up I seem to be able to go back to sleep a little easier and calmer

23-07-10, 10:05
Hi there,

YES to not being able to get off to sleep and YES to restless legs! It is the meds, no doubt about it as I've never had these problems before.

I've been on 20mg cit for around 6 weeks and feel great but unless I absolutely exhaust myself during the day or get up early and have a long day I can't fall to sleep easily at night. I'm not anxious, just keep tossing and turning and really fidgety.

I started off taking 20mg with breakfast. Thinking that taking it at night might help I took someone's advice on here and staggered it for a day by taking 10mg in the morning and then 10mg at night. I then took 20mg at night on the next day. This is due to the half-life of the tablet and makes the transition better.

Saying that, now that you've already switched to night time I'd stick with that for a bit to see if it helps. At first I thought it helped but after last night I'm not so sure. It took me around two hours to get to sleep! It does vary a little. Some nights after loads of exercise and walking I drop off quicker. Last night I tried a meditation CD and whilst it was lovely and relaxing I still didn't get to sleep for hours afterwards.

I'm also REALLY tired in the mornings and when I get up I do this little shuffle to the bathroom until I'm completely awake! :D

I hope it wears off for you. My doc gave me some sleeping tablets but I didn't want to get into taking those even though they are only a mild sedative. Once i'm asleep I'm asleep for a good few hours but I have been having some very wierd dreams!

23-07-10, 17:36
Thanks for your replies...the thing worrying me today is I am sooooo anxious, trying to figure out if its because i haven't slept good. My legs are shaky and ache to the point its driving me nuts....