View Full Version : So weak all the time

23-07-10, 09:13
I am really struggling at the moment. I have a fear that I have MS or leukemia and this is just getting worse as every day I wake up and feel so weak and tired.

My knees always feel like they have no strength and I feel like I have limited muscles in my lower legs and thighs. I have loads of loose skin and can't see any muscle. My joints ache when I get up in the morning (though this goes in the day).

I had a blood test about 6 months ago because I was getting pain in my joints then and everything was ok. I was told it was just residues from having a baby. And yes I do carry a one year old up and down the stairs all day. But none of my friends seem to struggle.

If I go out for a walk I feel shattered afterwards. Even small things like brushing my teeth vigerously, I can feel it in my forearms.

I am getting worried again and don't want to get sucked into this spiral.

23-07-10, 09:22
Hi dodo

Have you been back to your GP? First of all, is it possible that you've got postnatal depression, as I know from friends of mine that this can be pretty awful.

Also, have you had any viruses over the last few months, as these postviral syndromes can cause the sort of symptoms that you're describing - and I don't think this would show up in a blood test, as they can be quite tricky to identify.

I would go back to your GP - book a double appointment if you feel you need some time to talk to him/her, and make sure you take a list of your symptoms with you, as often we get inside the surgery and then forget some of the reasons that we've gone there.

Hope this helps.

23-07-10, 10:08
Thanks for your reply. Everyone I've spoken to agrees I am not suffering post natal depression, and I don't think I am myself.

I have spoken to my GP about this before and because of my history of anxiety it is felt that it is just anxiety and havign a small child which is causing it. I have had a string of illnesses over the past few months and this just makes me feel worse because I keep wondering why I am not getting fully better. I do get better but not up to full fitness. I just don't ahve the energy to do anything.

23-07-10, 11:07
hi dodo, i am similar to you at the moment as you may remember from my posts recently, about feeling weak, tired, achey, fluey, skin sensitive etc etc. My bloods were ok too, only thing showing was that bloods said i must of had a viral infection as one of the levels was slightly raised in something. So i am not sure if i have had a viral infection and this is the post viral thing going on or not?

I know its a worry, me too, i just keep thinking "whats wrong with me". Your two conditions you listed are my worries too.

I got given some beta blockers by the doctor. I had asked if she thinks my symptoms could be down to anxiety and she said possibly. But i know im anxious so i need to sort that anyway.

So i will see how i go, but it just feels like i have a bug or something. not nice.

PM me anytime dodo, I had a baby in october and its hard to look after them on days when you feel so rubbish x

sarah x

23-07-10, 12:37
I've just been out for a walk with my baby and I feel rubbish. Feel shakey inside and can't relax. I just feel like sitting and crying. I'm so scared there's something wrong with me as it's not normal to feel so crap and have so many viruses all the time.

I don't know how to recover either because it's a vicious circle of I don't ahve the energy to do excersie so am getting more and more unfit and not have the energy to make myself good food, so am not eating the best.

I really feel like I'm struggling. I feel like I've had about three colds in the past two or three weeks.

I wondered beings my bloods tests were ok whether it could be ME/CFS. But I'm not really sure how to deal with that, how to get more energy to do something about it.

But then the other side of me wonders whether beings my bloods were 6 months ago that something drastic could have happend in that time.

23-07-10, 15:10
You should go to your doctors for a chat, to reassure you. I have got m.e and fibromyalgia, but the way i am feeling at the moment doesnt feel like its that.

I must say i too feel worse when i am out and about which suggests that some of it is anxiety.

sarah x

23-07-10, 15:12
So as a sufferer of ME/Fibro, can I be nosy and ask what it is exactly like? You can read the symptom lists on the internet but it's not the same as speaking to someone who actually suffers. Tell me to mind my own if you like but it might help me work out what's going on.

23-07-10, 15:25
i dont want to create more worries for you though. The thing is with m.e it varies so much from person to person and seeing as there is no specific test for it even i myself 11 years late sometimes doubt that i have it.

sarah x