View Full Version : Twitching Eye - Please Help!

23-07-10, 11:07

I'm aware this sound ridiculous, but I'm absolutely petrified.

You know when you feel a pulse somewhere else on your body? Well I have been getting this is my right eye now for more than 3 days.

Normally when I get this it lasts only minutes so as it's scaring me as to why its not going...

Any advice would be greatly received.


23-07-10, 11:12
hi it sounds like a trapped nerve it will pass mine will do it for days at a time really dont worry.xx

23-07-10, 11:23
I get this, I can see my eyelashes moving in a rythm. Like they're dancing! Quite amusing. I find its if I stay still or hold my breath...nothing to worry about.

23-07-10, 11:25
This happens to me a lot. It has never got me anxious, but it frustrated the hell out of me. It's like my eyelid is fluttering uncontrollably for days. I think it can be stress related, but not always in my case. I think it can happen after spending too much time in front of a computer screen too.

23-07-10, 12:52

I had this for over 3 weeks and I put it down to stress (hard to do though) and it went away. My sister gets it if she drinks too much caffeine?!

Hope you feel reassured.


23-07-10, 14:11
I get this a lot when I'm tired; I know it's a stress reaction, but it's incredibly irritating.

24-07-10, 19:44
hi hun, look at my thread from a few weeks ago


I was terrified of it being MS but it eventually went & i had it for weeks!! xx

25-07-10, 07:00
This can be from a Bvitamin deficiency, I think it is B6.

25-07-10, 07:43
I get this too, in muscles, eyelids, eyebrows, etc. So do my friends. A lot of people do, it just effects us more, because we are sensitive to anything that happens with our body. It is a very common effect, and when you find something else to occupy your mind, you will notice that it isn't there. :)