View Full Version : Keep thinking things are contaminated with chemicals or something harmful...

23-07-10, 13:29
This is a weird thing, I don't know where it came from. I somehow magically think that things are suddenly contaminated with something that could harm me. A few weeks back I thought my kettle had something in it that would poison me. It just pops into my head then stays there, I try to just ignore the thought as I know it's irrational. We don't use any particular chemicals, certainly not in any way that would get on the things I'm worried about.

Earlier for example, I used tea tree oil on my toe (it's infected) and then worried that somehow I swallowed some, or got some on my cup - I know it's hugely unlikely. I use it nearly everyday. It was nowhere near my cup, it doesn't exactly sprinkle all over the place, it's pretty contained and controlled. I don't know where the thought suddenly came from. Never had it before. Then I went to wash my cup properly, sponge, soap, the whole thing, rinsed really well in hot water as I was worried then that something from the sponge like the washing up liquid would stay in/on the cup. Made sure I rinsed it really well. Then I was worried my spoon wasn't fully clean. Even though I use it the same way, every day.

I just don't get where this suddenly came from.

25-07-10, 16:04
Hi, It's just an intrusive thought, they don't need to come from anywhere or mean anything. I have thought all sorts of stupid things with my ocd like that. Best way to deal with it is not to give into it no matter how hard that is. Just let these fears be there as you know they are irrational and they will pass again if you don't give them any attention. I have had fairly sever ocd in the past and had ocd for 12 years and the best way I have helped myself is by just accepting the thoughts but not giving in to them and doing something else totally unrelated to ocd to change my focus. Don't worry, the thoughts will pass again :)

25-07-10, 23:52
I worry in case I get food poisoning (fearing being sick in a public place, or inconveniencing others or myself) so I used to make sure things were washed properly, and didn't even like to buy things cheap in the supermarket on the use-by day if I had something I absolutely had to do the next day, like travel or sit an exam.

I guess a good way to deal with things is to desensitise yourself - e.g. if you worry about getting tea tree oil on a cup, just use it anyway - once you've done it a few times and realised that nothing's going to happen maybe that will lead to a lessening of such thoughts.

24-06-11, 15:58
ur not the only one i have same fears.
i think all food and drink is poisoned.
i wont let anyone near me wen im makin a drink or tryin to cook.
i wont let anyone get me a deink/make me dinner.
i think i see things on food or a glass/plate and hav to start again or hide away.
and yes im like that with bleach n other things i cant touch nething n i think ive somehow ingested some.
read my post in the ocd section `contamination and harming fears~

hope this helps

nice to know im not alone on this as noones posted on mine yet,