View Full Version : Scared

23-07-10, 17:00
Not sure what to say but here goes, I'm Amanda and I'm new to all of this, I started having panic attacks 3 months ago. They were that bad I ended up going to A&E thinking I was having a heart attack, or something it scared the living daylight out of me.
I was finally diagnosed with having panic attacks and told to pay visit my doctor's. I was put on diazepam 3 time's a day of which has been gradually reduced and citalopam 20mg 1 day of which I'm still taking.
It took me a few days for my body to adjust to the medication, but I started feeling better.:)
I thought I was getting over the panic attacks until I had one yesterday:weep: it was just after I had retired to sleep, has anyone else had this happen.
I suffer with epilepsy and anxiety so for me to start having panic attacks are really scary.

24-07-10, 08:55
I've only ever had one full blown panic attack and, yeah I thought I was dying. Welcome to NMP. I hope that this site helps you as much as it's helped me. All the best. Baggs.

24-07-10, 23:05
I know its scary honey, i have suffered them for 12 years now (but only got real help a couple of years ago). Panic attacks are terrifying experiences, bad enough to have all the physical symptoms but the psychological feeling of utter terror is hell on earth. No wonder you went to A&E, most people do and thats how they find out they had a 'panic attack' so you are by no means alone sweetie. One thing you should have a think about is that panic attacks are a symptom of 'something' so there is a trigger. Only you can know what that is as we're all different and all have different 'triggers'. If you can identify the trigger then you will be on your way to facing a future without panic 'attacks'. Good luck and don't be scared, you are not alone and there is hope :-)