View Full Version : Feeling of unreality has reappeared

23-07-10, 17:30
This was the one side on anxiety I really didn't want to rear its ugly head but it has.

I'll try and explain what I mean, say you went out for a night and got really drunk, you wake up the next morning with a foggy head, thats how I feel.

And say for instance you went out all night, you never got home until 6am, its morning time but it still feels like night time to you as you've never had a sleep which makes the transition from night time to morning, well that is how I feel, I mean a morning feels different to night time or a Monday feels different to a Friday but all just feels the same at the min if you know what I mean, I think this is called depersonalization or derealization. Last time I had anxiety I suffered this feeling for 6 months or more, it was horrible, I can't remember what I did to snap out of it. And i'm baffled as to how a bug can make all these symptoms reappear.

Any advice?

Onwards & Upwards
25-07-10, 21:33

I'm going through this for the first time, has been going on a few days and it is terrible.

I've had it along with massive thoughts about the world and universe, stuff I have no chance of getting my head around but I just can not stop thinking like it.

So, I don't know which came first...is the derealisation my body's reaction to those huge, too-much-to-deal-with thoughts or are the thoughts a result of the detached, derealisation feeling-has my mind distanced itself so much that it has rocketed "up there"?!?!?

It is soooo frightening. I've had a few bouts of pretty awful anxiety in the past but never had this derealisation thing before and I can't see how I can get my head straight again when I feel like this.

Not sure whether I'm meant to ride it out as I have done in the past with anxiety or if I should do as much as possible to distract me from it and snap myself out of it.

All I know is that it is utterly exhausting, mentally, and will no doubt take a huge amount of mental strength to get out of it.

Onwards & Upwards
25-07-10, 21:35
What do you mean by: "i'm baffled as to how a bug can make all these symptoms reappear."?

26-07-10, 05:57
What do you mean by: "i'm baffled as to how a bug can make all these symptoms reappear."?

I had some type of flu bug