View Full Version : angry all day long

23-07-10, 19:57
Has anyone eles excpereanced feeling this
today ( god knows whats going on with me all of a sudden)
iv just woke up and have been angry all day and now night time is coming im starting to feel misserable..
remember for those that know me in hear i was prescribed these 10 mg by my doctor for very very mild anxiety and to help towards my agaraphobia
so this isnt the tablets not working on me,,i was good before taking these..
are these side efects or is this not right cos it feels ,,not right to me
just feel wound up and ready to fight ..and this is def not my nature my body feels like its tingling inside as if i have just done some weird drugs...
dont like this last two days like this

2nd week on cit 10mg and just sitting hear i feel like my body is bubbling with fear and some kind of fizzy fealing going through my body...Im hatting this today and wish i never strated on these things.

23-07-10, 23:06
Sorry you are feeling crappy Greg :hugs:.Its definately the Cit making you feel angry and moody .This is sometimes a side effect which some people may experience during the first 4 weeks .Spk to your Dr on Monday hun ,maybe you can arrange for him to ring you .mine does that when I havnt got an appointment .I can understand your frustration as the same happenend to me just before a holiday ,I was put on Mirtazapine and had severe side effects after 4 weeks and ended up not going away .cost us hundreds of pounds .The side effects do usually calm down ,but its not an easy ride sometimes .The first few weeks are like a seesaw .More downs than ups from what I recall :wacko:.Sorry you feel so bad at the moment Hope things improve over the w/e Luv Sue x

24-07-10, 07:53
Thanks sue for your imput. Yea its realy getting to me now, because i had two propper days and nights recently so felt these side efects were going , so to wake up one morning and they have been switched back on , has upset my calm.
Iv just spent fri night not sleeping at all laying there all night listning to my fammily enjoy a good trouble free night sleep.
I had fuzzy feeling with me all night felt moody and unhappy as if someone had just died.
My teath and gums r realy aching all over and i have a headach today and feel wores for not sleeping.
I tried to fight all the nefitive feelings through the night. But to be honest, im so worn out i cnt concentrate to do the breathing etc. So i had to lay there all night experiencing all the crap, only to get up today feeling very very dull. Today im going to brighton as pland , but to be honest , i dont even want to be around people let allone go to brighton. So this will be hard. Just keep wishing , for me. That i never went on these things, i reapy do, its ruined my last 2 weeks of my life.
I know its still early days for these side efects. But thats what worries me. Its all the timing of it. My weeks holliday next sat.?kids atvhome 6 weeks and tierdnes.
Any other sugestions darling. Xx

24-07-10, 11:05
I have started taking the Boots Vitamin B complex now alongside the CIT on the advice of a Pharmacist and the CIT Survivial Guide. Has the required B vitamins and some Inositol in it.

Only had three days on it including today, but a lot of people rate them quite highly for helping with nerves and emotions. From going from someone who disliked the idea of meds I am now starting to rattle when I walk!

Hope you settle and enjoy your holiday though x

24-07-10, 12:05
I will get some vit b give it a go.
Im in brighton typing this, oh my god it was realy hard doing the jurny on a body that has had no sleep for two days and feeling unhappy . And two kids with me.
Then i lost concerntration and took a wrong turn which led me to go over this huge fly over , which was like the american ones, ohh my god my hart was pounding and i felt like i was gliding all over the place. Instant swet. Then after i got over that . We ended up having to go through a bloody tunnel, again ohh my god i couldnt beleive my luck. When i came out of that i just wanted to get there. I did and am there now . I am trying to enjoy it but my body is so excorsted and tierd. Ill see how my day goes. Take care. Xx

24-07-10, 17:52

Well I have had a rough day and haven't been through the trials you have, so don't feel too bad about it hon.

Ups and downs, back and forth until it finally settles in they say. Hopefully you may get a good nights rest tonight after all that today

Hope things start lightening up for you soon

24-07-10, 20:41
thanks for your support guys...dragon sorry to hear your day allso not to good...god what r we like ...
i think if i could just sleep without waking id feel happier regardless to anything eles..
before i started on these cits i spent £700 decorating my bedrom and we spent a £1000
on a supper kingsized bed and when i slept in this room and on my beautiful bed , i was in heaven,,the best nights sleep for ages..
i was actualy looking forward to going to bed at night because its so peicefull in my new room...

so i had a few nights sleep in there perfect...then started on the cits ,,not knowing all this was to come....and since the cits have had to fluke nights sleep but no other..
so this just makes me feel cheeted after spending all my time and mony on a new bedroom ,only not to get to enjoy it ,in its early stage after reconstructing it,,,so instead of going up to my room and walking in and thinking....ahhhhh yes cnt wait to get in there....
At the moment i walk up at night time and walk in and think....Ohhh well hear we go again ,another night of laying awake hot feeling shit and not sleeping in my beautiful room,,,lol...
life is so cruel.....im keeping my figers crossed and taking a sleep easy remody tablet tonight...its an aid to sleep ...not a sleeping pill...so ill see how this goes..they just make you feel a bit calm and ready to sleep...who knows it might even work...

ill keep in touch and hope you do to...its realy good taking to you ..i allways feel like iv made some realy good e mail friends in the same boat as me....take care...and by the way dont be afraid to ask me for advice , just because iv had a knock back....i still know what to say and do,,,its just hard to practis what you preach when the side efects get there clors in you....arrrr...
Greg x

25-07-10, 00:00
I hope you sleep well tonight Greg and the sleep aid helps .I took Nightnurse tabs when my lack of sleep got real bad ..They contain antihistamines and really knocked me out .I found half the dose enough as the full dose made me feel like a zombie the next day .Didnt need any help in that direction .:wacko:With any luck you will fall asleep like a baby after your busy day :yesyes:Well done for going ,especially feeling so bad .You deserve a big pat on the back .Hope you have a better night and you wake up feeling more refreshed tommorow .Take care luv Sue x:hugs:

25-07-10, 01:19
hi greg....i know exactly how u feel as how u are feeling right now is the whole reason i have been prescribed citalipram...i am angry and irratable all day long its awful im moody snappy and v v angry ...which is not at all like me at all i used to b such a chilled out laid bk person but gradually over the past year or so i just dont feel like the same person and feel i just cant cope with things as i used to.......but i am now soooo reluctant to take these pills incase they make me worse than i am now...that would sooo not be good...im already a time bomb waiting to go off!!!...lol.....any advice would be welcomed x...thanks x

25-07-10, 07:52
Hi Greg,

I get angry and then sad when I feel that I am not myself. I want to feel yourself and I cant, and then there is this energy that I have enough to make myself go back to normal state but its not the way it works, I only need time for recovery - excess energy turning into anger is no use in that.

This time I nearly smashed computer at the office at the first days of my set back. I had a big spread sheet to do - and if felt so annoying for me - I just wanted instantly to finish it, but it was big - and it needed time, but my aggitation and anxiety was beyond - I had to get off my desk and go for a walk dozen of times, and every time i would sit to do it, i could feel my blood boiling - and I wanted to smash the computer.

I know it was anxiety, I am not an angry person normally...

Hope you are better by now,...

25-07-10, 09:51
Girls you are wonderfull for all you possitve replys, i cnt say enough how these post help in many ways. The first way is not feeling allown and the other is feeling part of a kind of family . All looking out for each other , i realy am greatfull to wake up and see i have a responce to my posts. Thankyou all.
Well lastbnight i took some kind of sleeping aid tablet and i woke 2 times so i did sleep. But as most know they do make you feel a bit crap the next day.
I woke up about 7 am and just felt flat and very moody This is so not me. I can feel the tension rushing through my body and up my neck. I havent had a fight since i was about 10 years old im not and agreshive guy in anyway and am very plasid.
Well last few days i realy do feel like ( i want to realy smack someone around)
this is very scarry because iv never had this agresion in me. Ever.
So these side efects are realy concerning me. Esp as i keep saying , im supposed to be going on holliday next sat for 7 nights, and my agaraphbia feels really strong on these tablets and my temper very high,alsonthe desire to do things , is 0.
So very worried about this time and not sure what to do . i know you guys are all going through your own stuff and have proh heard all this before but i feel lost,

25-07-10, 11:01
I too love to find posts and replies, it makes you feel like someone you dont really know actually cares about you.

25-07-10, 22:10
it all realy helps

25-07-10, 22:28
Seriously hon, go and talk to your Doctor tomorrow if you can. Tell them everything you have told us and see what they say. I know the side effects can be bad, but as many say if you find them tolerable is what is important.

You need to look at your options on and off the tablets and if the doc has anything else to offer

All here for each other

25-07-10, 22:46
yep i know what you are saying and if i new these side efects was going to go this week ,,,being week 3 i would stick with them for the hell of seeing what they do for me in the near future...i will see how i feel in the morning and go to the doctors latter in the day,,,
thanks for your support i realy have needed it...xx