View Full Version : Feel Trapped in my Own Life

23-07-10, 20:24
Anyone just feel trapped in their own life? I feel trapped by my family, marriage, house, everything! Am I going mad or is this just my GAD? I feel like this is the Truman Show and there is no way to escape. I just have the constant urge to run away

23-07-10, 21:36
Hi Mya

I feel for you but truly understand what you describe how many times have I said that I feel like running away screaming I feel like pacing and cannot get away..

It is the anxiety I think when it kicks in we want to run and when our lives or practicality prevents this our body doesn't heed the information and so our reactions are trapped.

You are not going mad I use the gym to burn off some of that useless energy that anxiety causes and it really does lift my mood, I'm lucky in the sense that my children are of an age where I am in a position to do this, but I have done the pacing the breahing the feelings of oh my god I need to get away... think you will find a lot of us have and do go through it you are not alone ... x

23-07-10, 22:07
Thank you Sharon! So sorry you are feeling this too. I have a lovely spouse too and I would love to just run away with him! People have tremendous pressure today and we feel the stress without even having children. I commend you for your strength and hope we can all get through this soon. Thanks very much again for your kind words :hugs:

23-07-10, 22:43
Hi Mya, I too am feeling exactly the same sometimes I just want to scream at the top of my lungs, feel overwhelmed by everything, can't concentrate on anything. Like you I have a wonderful partner and he does support me as best he can but then sometimes I feel like no one truly understands me and I feel i'm going mad and just want to get away but I can't, each day is like groundhog day. Your not alone :-)


23-07-10, 23:54
I understand that feeling well, i'm feeling anxious at the moment. I have two children and am divorced, i'm seeing someone but we don't live together. This would be a very long msg if i told you everything but it's hard to keep it altogether at times and i sometimes feel like a little girl lost and i'm 38! xx

24-07-10, 00:11
I am so sorry all of you are feeling the same :weep:. It helps to know I am not alone and feel less crazy. Thinkingimmad, I hear you, I feel like nobody understands as well. It makes it hard. Beckboo - I feel like a little girl lost at 34. I am so sorry to hear the stress you are under with a divorce and 2 children. You should be proud of yourself for managing all that. I think it is important in these crazy times that we find the time to take care of ourselves. Wishing you all the best xoxoxo

24-07-10, 01:17
Maybe what you are looking for really is just some quiet time. It is very healing to just have some quiet time alone and just 'be'.

24-07-10, 01:46
I am so sorry all of you are feeling the same :weep:. It helps to know I am not alone and feel less crazy. Thinkingimmad, I hear you, I feel like nobody understands as well. It makes it hard. Beckboo - I feel like a little girl lost at 34. I am so sorry to hear the stress you are under with a divorce and 2 children. You should be proud of yourself for managing all that. I think it is important in these crazy times that we find the time to take care of ourselves. Wishing you all the best xoxoxo
:) Thanks for those kind words Mya, i'm new to this website but i'll try anything to help myself as i want to be strong! It's reassuring to know that i'm not alone and we can all help and support each other in this crazy life!! :bighug1:xx

29-07-10, 19:00
Anyone just feel trapped in their own life? I feel trapped by my family, marriage, house, everything! Am I going mad or is this just my GAD? I feel like this is the Truman Show and there is no way to escape. I just have the constant urge to run away

Same here - just want a long break from being me.

blue moon
29-07-10, 23:15
Hello Mya......I am currently on Me Time,i needed to have a break away from work (World Vision) i found I could not handle going into countries, where children were dying in front of me from starvation.I was starting to feel old wounds opening back up and decided it was time to stay home and think about Me and what to do with my life.:weep:
Petra xx

30-07-10, 11:04
Yeah I feel trapped too. Sixteen years stuck at the same desk in the same room with the same dull job and knowing I have no choice because of the mortgage. Then 7 years back the anxiety kicks in because it suddenly occurs to me I'm an older father with young kids and I really want to be there for them but I know that statistically speaking I'm getting to a dangerous age. Sometimes I just feel like buying a huge motorhome and running away from it all.

So yes basically, I understand and I feel for you.

30-07-10, 11:14
Oh Mudskipper I know how you feel. Many years ago (over 20!!) we lost our business and home and ended up in an old camper van with our eldest son, then 2, travelling around europe grabbing work where we could. We did this for 6 months and they were the happiest days of my life. But eventually we had to settle down and go back to the daily grind. Many a day I wish I was back in that camper van :)

Carol x

30-07-10, 11:51
Hi Mya

Bless you, we each need commending... we all suffer and none worse than another just each in our own way with our own issues and fears...

Go with you on that ...wouldn't it be great to just run away with those we love and nothing to fear ... oh wish I could take that thought to bed with me tonight and have a fantastic peaceful sleep x

30-07-10, 21:10
Urgh yes. I feel trapped by my life. I suppose I'm having my mini-break now having walked out on my career thanks to the feelings of being trapped and pulverised to a pulp by the stressful-yet-mind numbing daily grind. I keep wanting to run away around the world for a bit. I wish I could just go and do what caz1960 did. Have some sort of adventure and only worry about the future when I get back, but having low level GAD I'm too busy worrying about the future now to do anything. I get stuck thinking job or travel, job or travel and get in such a twist of worry that I don't do either. I've wasted months!