View Full Version : first post..hope someone can help?

23-07-10, 20:57
this is the first time ive used a site like this. Basically i was very depressed and prescribed antidepressants. However, these gave me bad panic attacks so i was then prescribed propanalol )beta blocker) to slow my heart down. I decided i didnt like the idea of that and came off the antidepressants. I then became depressed again and was prescribed a different anti depressant but have recently started having panic attacks again. I get a feeling like im going to be sick when in public places, usually the supermarket, or a fear of not being in control or that i cant "get off" i.e public transport - usually a train. I feel sick, like im going to faint, my heart races and i can feel it accelerate...ive tried talking myself down from these attacks but they still occur and i still suffer with bad anxiety. Ive noticed they happen more after a night of drinking and although i know i "should stop drinking", at 25 i dont want to become a t total person..i just want to get better :(

can anyone sympathise, help, offer advice?
would be greatly recieved and appreciated :)

23-07-10, 21:31

Please bear with the medication, initially it will increase anxiety levels but they will pan out, it is difficult I know but in the long run they will be so beneficial as they will allow you to work through your emotions.

I too went through your exact symptoms it does take time x

23-07-10, 23:46
Welcome to NMP. I hope that this site helps you as much as it's helped me. All the best. Baggs.

23-07-10, 23:56
Are you entirely sure the drugs are causing the anxiety/panics? I think a lot of people are paranoid about taking new medications because of the possible side effects. Do you feel that maybe you are worrying yourself every time you take them?

I have a friend who does not take medication, but when he has a heavy nights drinking, he wakes up feeling so ill that he thinks he is going to die and quite often this causes him a panic attack. Maybe you are paranoid that drinking and taking medication is going to do you harm. Anxiety is all in the mind, particularly panic attacks. It is possible that the medication or the drink will make you feel more on edge, but only you can bring on a panic attack.

24-07-10, 01:29
Hi, please stick with it and believe your symptoms cannot harm you in any way - they just feel rather horrid. Don't start avoiding the places/situations that made you feel sick as this will then become a habit formed which then is much harder to break as you can see from a lot of posts on this site. Be strong now so this does not worsen into anything worse than it is right now. You must believe these horrid feelings/sensations cannot hurt you and just ignore it.

Ruby Tuesday
24-07-10, 06:39
Some medications can cause problems if you also drink alcohol.

Being teetotal isn't so bad !! Maybe try a month of no alcohol and see if the Panic Attacks become less severe/frequent.

I have found that I am A LOT more 'in control' since giving up alcohol a couple of years ago. I am on an antidepressant (Sertraline) and I think alcohol did impact on how the medication effects me.

Vanilla Sky
24-07-10, 20:18
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

24-07-10, 20:22
drinking def makes my anxiety and panick worse its a vicious cycle i drink to get drunk for peace from anxiety but the next day 10 times worse xx

24-07-10, 20:57
I had the same thing with ad's so refuse to take any more.... now trying Buspirone which is for anxiety, however not sure if they would help with depression or not, and they are only short term use x

24-07-10, 23:53
I have panic attacks in the same places as you...supermarket is a big no-no, i can't use public transport at all, meetings at work became a no-no (trapped in the room aghh!).
You shouldn't deink with these types of meds as you know, but you said you weren't taking meds when you drank and felt worse. It's very possible that when you are drinking your guard is down (same for everyone), you relax and let go a bit. This opens up the door for your anxiety to come through as if you're like a lot of us who suffer this, you will be constantly trying to control it and oppress it. A wee drink and the games up, your guard is down, loss of control...hello anxiety! Does that ring true do you think or am i way off the mark lol!!

26-07-10, 01:18
If the medicine doesn suit you, dont take it...
personally, I dont recommend taking pills,I actually got rid of my anxiety with a natural way, I had the worst anxiety a few years back, in fact I went to having agoraphobia, thats how bad it became, and i couldnt even walk out of my house.....

If you see me now, I am a completely different person....

What you have to realize is that depression and anxiety are all from the mind, once you change your thinking your life will be happier, relaxed....

once your mind is at peace and you feel good about yourself and about life, your life will change....

I recommend a tool which I used to get rid of my anxiety, and live on and let go of all my fears, its only those fears that are holding you back, once you let go, everything will be fine....

get FREE access to the tool on the link below....

Hope it helps....:D