View Full Version : I have overcome ocd!! Yay

23-07-10, 22:31
Hey everyone,

I suffered from OCD for around 4-6 years. I quit OCD cold turkey about 5 months ago and I have not looked back and my life is not so weighed down and I have time for so much more in life.
I used to do everything in three's, I would touch wood all the time, and if there was no wood around, i invented "touch skin", because skin was always around me. It was so pathetic. I walked differently, talked differently and I would restrict myself from so many things, it even got in the way of prayer. The list could go on and on but if this sounds like you, or you suffer from a different kind of OCD, I suggest giving it up now while you can. I know it's hard but I can help you, if you like! :)
One night it all became too much and I just started to cry. No body knew about this and I felt so alone. I didn't go to a therapist, so this proves that you don't always need professional help to cure OCD.
From that moment of crying I have not looked back and OCD is no longer in my life. The freedom is incredible.
I am only 16 years old, but it is never too late. Cold turkey is the only way to go I think. If you know that you are going to quit at some point, why not just do it now!
You guys can do it. I believe in you.
:DGood luck and I hope you never suffer from OCD again!

23-07-10, 22:40
Well done you!!!!!:yesyes:

23-07-10, 22:42
Thanks! I hope this post can pursuade other people to overcome OCD.
It is such a dragging thing.

23-07-10, 22:53
You have give me a lot of hope.
I have much the same as you and my number is 3 as well.
You say it was even getting in the way of prayer do you pray to God often.

I may just try to do what you have done but I think it will be so very hard for me.

Well done I am so happy for you

23-07-10, 23:27
Hi Loveletter!
Oh I am so happy you are considering giving away OCD. yes I do pray often, every night. I am a catholic. Do you pray?
:) I think it is all in the mind... like, if you think it is going to be really hard, it will be. But if you say to yourself, this will be a sinch, I can do this, I am strong! You will be able to do it. It's a mindset.
If you want some help, I would be happy to help you. Try and imagine yourself without OCD in your life, it looks great, doesn't it? Go on, you can do it!
I believe you can.

24-07-10, 14:14

Love Neuro-sis x

25-07-10, 15:57
Well done on getting better :) I found facing my OCD head on really helped me and now it only botheres me from time to time instead of every day. I wouldn't say I am cured as much but my OCD is much more dormant then it is active now. The key is that once you have overcome any obsessions, you never make the same mistakes and let yourself spiral back into the same state. I used to always give into mine but now I can recognize an obsession when it starts and before it gets hold, so I just do the exact opposite of what my OCD wants me to do. I know that sounds hard but you can end up with two or three days of discomfort, as opposed to weeks or months, as eventually the fears and doubts will fade if you give them no time.

25-07-10, 17:57
Hi stopthissong.

I have had ocd for over 20 years but it was not that bad and I could live with it
My dad had it for many many years as well

It has come back to me very bad the last 4 years but I have had so much bad stuff going on.
People bullied my family and me at the same time as my husband died.
Thank God I moved to a new area 2 years ago and am much better now I have moved.

I have to touch things 3 times when getting into bed so it takes me about half hour to get into bed as have to keep redoing these things. I think if I do not do this something will happen in the night my family and me will not be safe.

Also do it a lot before I eat a meal as think if I do not do these things I will choke and die.

Also get it a lot if people are coming round or coming to take me out as feel if I do not do it the people will let me down and will not turn up.
Oh to be free of it.

Oh yes I pray have been a Christian for over 20 years now and the Lord is my life I love him so and he has always been faithful to me and he is my greatest joy in life.

How did you feel when you first stopped.

Your quite a girl for being only 16 and so very strong well done

25-07-10, 21:51
I am so sorry to hear that you suffer like this. I did a similar thing before bed etc.
When I quit and I knew it was out of my life, I was just so free and happy, not scared of the possibilities of not being OCD. It was like I escaped from prison after being in there for many years. My mum even commented on how happy I was! It was incredible.
You should consider giving up.. If a 16 year old girl can, you can! I could help you through it, if you like.
:) Good Luck and God Bless

31-05-13, 05:19
Hi, I am just curious to know if you still do not have to struggle with OCD?

Thank you!


28-02-14, 20:10

You are amazing. And I hope that we can talk sometime.