View Full Version : Need some help sticking it out.

24-07-10, 00:00
Hi there,

This is my first time posting on this forum, and I'm hoping to get some advice. I was diagnosed with panic disorder approximately 16 months ago, after experiencing recurrent anxiety attacks after a very stressful period in my life. I have been taking Cipralex for about 12 months. Over the past 4 months I have been weaning myself off the medication, after consulting with a doctor. I first went down from 10mg/day to 7.5mg. When I felt comfortable with that, I went down to 5mg. About 3-1/2 weeks ago, I went down to 2.5mg. It was the most difficult adjustment, I had some strange withdrawal symptoms for a few days. Now over the last couple of weeks I've noticed that my anxiety is creeping back in. I would think that it is because of the reduced dose, BUT I'm also in the middle of moving to a new home, packing, etc, which I'm finding stressful. So I wonder if my anxiety has more to do with that than with the dosage. My goal is to wean off the medication entirely...the doctor who prescribed it for me suggested that it would be a short term solution for what now may be considered PTSD. I was thinking about putting the dose back up to 5mg--in consultation with my doctor of course--until we get through the move, which will be in a week, and then get settled in. But I really don't want to do that if it's not necessary. At this point, I'm not having panic attacks, havent' had one for a very long time, just feeling an overall increased anxiety. Any suggestions? Should I just stick it out?

24-07-10, 01:24
I came off my meds thinking I could do it alone and my symptoms came back. Back on meds and feel much more able to cope with my recovery. It just takes the edge off and makes me that much braver to have a go at things. The meds these days are non-addictive and there is no problem being on them long term. If you are finding yourself questioning if you can cope, I would stick on them (on a low dosage) for the time being.

24-07-10, 04:06
Moving is one of the most stressful events we encounter and so I feel sure that's the cause to your increased anxiety.

I would suggest that IF you feel you need a little extra support to help you get through the move, there would be no harm in increasing your dose up slightly with your doctors agreement and then if you wish to, work on coming off them completely when things settle down again after the move.

That would also be the best time to start working on the main causes to your underlying anxieties.:)

14-08-10, 16:15
I've been going phasing out the cipralex over a 2 month period now, from 20 mg. Now I've been without them for two weeks (after using for 2 years). Little by little an uncomfortable and uneasy feeling has come creeping. Irritation at first, and anger issues. Now lately it's become worse with a feeling of emptiness, sadness and depression.
Now finally, yesterday, I had a full out panic attack. It was a reproduction of a bad trip I had on marihuana, which I tried 9 years ago - yet it happened in broad daylight, in my home. And guess what! Now I just had another one - at work. That's two in two days.
Maybe better get back on the cipralex?