View Full Version : definitly losing it!!!!

24-07-10, 00:35
Hi everyone,
Ok I'm having a reeeal bad time. I've had anxiety and panic for bout 7 years, seemed to be manageable for couple of months but past few weeks it's unbearable.
The panics back biiig time, feels like it just comes on for no reason.
Also the latest panic symptom is dizziness which lasts pretty much all day. But the one thats worrying me the most is a tiredness that i've had for a few months, it comes on at random points in the day, lasts hours and is like nothing I've ever felt. I feel literally like I can't move and if I stand I feel like I could collapse with exhaustion ! It then, of course, brings on a panic attack.
I really hope someone can identify with this cos its really frightening me!

24-07-10, 00:57
I felt pretty much like that a year ago. All I can advise which seemed to get me through was keeping mind busy. Try lots of small tasks and rest in between. Nothing too taxing but just to keep mind occupied to stop anxiety manifesting. Keep a healthy diet and try 4 cups of calming camomile tea daily, cutting out other tea/coffee and stimulants like too much sugar/carbs (which turn to sugar as digested). I found walking my dog very theraputic as he had needs I had to attend to and having to look after my daughter and this keeps daily life/chores having to tick along. I hope this helps a little.
Good luck from Becky.