View Full Version : help avein a panic attack now

24-07-10, 10:31
l u no how cair weeks tells you to let the panic come ride through it how the hell is it possible wen your scared out your wits ad ways jappening to you how many of you ave tried this getting harder to carry on typing now i am alll over place trying not to ave a panic attack as i ave been aveing major ones every morning to the point now my whole body is acheing from the tension in it my neck and shoulders are like rocks i ave tried everything to unknot my self but nothing is working Y i ave no idea please some one tell me wat i can do to wind down i dont no about some of you but ii cant focus on anything so no distraction excersise i try bit to tense for it to take any effecthelpp is realy needed people say fo to your gp i cant get to her surgry she does come out once in a while but feel like a pest so dont ask much now i am rambbling that cus i am still trying to hang on an not ave a panic think i need to give in

24-07-10, 10:46
get away from the place, do something simple like counting back from 100 in three's. have a look on the firs steps page this shows you what to do in a panic attack. distraction really does work - have some water put the telly on call a freind, play tetris, do anything and get out of the place it started.

24-07-10, 10:53
get away from the place, do something simple like counting back from 100 in three's. have a look on the firs steps page this shows you what to do in a panic attack. distraction really does work - have some water put the telly on call a freind, play tetris, do anything and get out of the place it started.

weres this first step thing also i ave now left mybedroom were i seem to be spending alot of my time i am not at all feeling safe no matter were i go in my home

24-07-10, 10:57
get away from the place, do something simple like counting back from 100 in three's. have a look on the firs steps page this shows you what to do in a panic attack. distraction really does work - have some water put the telly on call a freind, play tetris, do anything and get out of the place it started.

i right now ave now left my bedroom were i ave been spending lots of my time i not wanting to be any were as dont feel safe were ever i go feel like i ave all this adrenlin running wild in my body my mind raceing and sosos scared

25-07-10, 11:13
i think im a bit late now sorry but leaving your bedroom was an excellent start, even if you feel unsafe, thats good because you are pushing the barriers. try to work on doing something calming. maybe make a cup of tea? and click on panic attacks under the problems/issues section on the left of your page, this has good advice.