View Full Version : Is this panic?

24-07-10, 10:39
I have suffered panic attacks in the past but this is different and I wonder if it's still a panic attack with different symptoms?

I woke up this morning feeling odd. My body felt like it was buzzing inside yesterday and I didn't sleep well as I felt like I had a racing heart and a warm feeling all over my body kept happening.

This morning I tried to dget up but kept feeling dizzy on standing, like I was shaking all over. My breakfast didn't help as I thought it might be blood sugar.

I started feeling like I couldn't breath and went really weak and my arms and legs felt like lead and was visibly shaking. I just started to cry.

I managed to stand up and felt like my vision went all strange, almost like I could see too much and really bright.

Then I got upstairs and got a paper bag, felt a bit better after breathing into this but now I feel all shakey and strange all over.

24-07-10, 11:04
Hi Dodo I'm sorry I cant reassure you but this is what happened to me yesterday and its left me really on edge. I have been a little run down but felt ok not panicy or anything then had what you said i thought i was going to pass out it was awful. My doctor just was like oh nyeah anxiety but I have had many panic attacks and didnt feel like that. I hope you are ok

Han xx

24-07-10, 15:00
Hi, yeah it sounds like a panic attack to me, just sounds like your experiencing some of the other symptons it has to offer.

24-07-10, 22:58
This sounds like general anxiety rather than an isolated panic attack (when your heart bursts out of your chest, can't breath, sweat like a pig in places you never knew existed, gallons of adrenalin rushing through your body and complete feeling of terror). General anxiety is not short-lived like an 'attack' but people with generalised anxiety do suffer panic attacks too. General anxiety can also be called 'stress' and so you are affected all day, for many days, months even. Didn't your doctor offer a mild tablet such as buspirone to help you cope with this?

25-07-10, 08:25
I agree with mistykell,

Anxiety can dress up in all sorts of outfits, one days it can come up the suspected heart attack, then another day or time as a breathing difficulty, then a rash they fainting feeling with no reason, then derealisation/depersonalisation,

Whether it is a general anxiety/panic attack or accumulated stress it doesnt really matter - what matters it is the same old anxiety - and dont think that finally sonething real bad is happening to you, if you are not in any major pain and only confused by the weird sensations it is most likely its only good onld anxiety and it will pass as soon as you start ignoring it.