View Full Version : Aneurysm

24-07-10, 10:45
Would u kno if u had an aneurysm? I get pulsing noise in my ear and 5 diff docs and 2 nurses have told me its my eustachian tubes. But im CONVINCED its an aneurysm. i know its bad but i google :( and it comes up with aneurysm. loads of other stuff too. but im jus convinced i have one. i dnt get unusual headaches or infact any of the other symptoms ive been told about regarding them. But this pulsing in my ear is driving me mad thinking its going to burst at any minute.

When i pop my ears the sound goes really quiet. and isnt as prominent. the doc gave me nasal spray and yeah the pulsing noise in my ear is quieter.

Does anyone else get pulsing in ears, tinnitus? or fears of aneurysm. is it a common anxiety thing? I used to be convinced i had a heart condition. palps and stuff. i had all the tests on it. and its perfect. ever since then ive not had one palp. but now i kno my hearts ok its like im trying to find something else to worry over

please help me i dnt want to die of an aneurysm!!!

5 docs have all said the same thing that its not an aneurysm... do i believe them?

Ruby Tuesday
24-07-10, 11:49
I get the pulsing in my ears when I have sinusitis. It is related to the drainage system (Eustachian Tubes) in the ears. You will probably find that the pulsing lessens if you hold your nose and the try to blow it. If you get what I mean !!

It sounds as though your Doc is right and it's a nose/ear/sinus problem :)

24-07-10, 15:26
I get this all the time, and have had it for years now, just in my left ear... pulse... swoosh swoosh swooshing noise. Incredibly annoying, but apparently all related to the inner ear, so the docs are right about eustachian tubes. I recently had my tonsils out and my ent surgeon said he will refer me to check it out on nhs, but basically nothing to worry about, just annoying!
The problem with anxiety is the fear itself... whatever you fear, be it heart/ head/ stomach etc etc... its the worrying that makes every symptom more apparent.
I think if you should trust the docs, and stay away from Dr Google if you can! xxx

24-07-10, 19:27
I get this only when i stand up, ive had it really bad at the moment but the doctor says its related to my migraines, but the pulsing lasts for about a minute and it really does scare me as everything sounds different around me. I've never thought of any other causes but i do get frightened of strokes etc , i always thought with aneurysms you never get a warning as its always so sudden, another thing to add to my worries. I am going back to my doctor to discuss this pulsing as its so annoying and makes me feel ill, so hopefully i'll be able to keep you updated as he put me on propanolol for it and it hasn't helped , one bit of advice i will give is dont google as its the worst thing you can do , hope you start to feel better soon xx

24-07-10, 19:35
I had a friend who died of an aortic aneurysm, and believe me, this is one thing you don't need to worry about - if you had it you would know. My friend is someone who had very high BP for over five years and did not take his medication. The doctors said afterwards if he had controlled his BP it would not have happened. I won't go into details, but I can tell you that there is no way that what you are describing is an aneurysm, there would be no doubt if this is what was happening to you, you would know about it very quickly! If you have had tests on your heart and it is in good condition you really have nothing to worry about.

24-07-10, 19:58
so nothing to worry over u think? I jus cant get it out of my head its ruining my life!

ive got a headache right now but its because iv been skwinting in the sun all day and im stressed out. Do u think id have loads more symptoms?
i mean if the docs had ne doubt they wud say sumit. but all 5 docs said the same thing that im fine :( i hate this! the pulsing is really quiet right now. a moments peace :).

Going home
24-07-10, 22:05
Out of all the symptoms you must have read when looking up an aneurysm you've only latched onto the pulsing in your ears? An aneurysm interrupts the blood supply to your brain so I think you'd have a bit more than a pulsing in your ear. For a start you'd probably not be walking around much, and in terrible pain.

I think its safe to say there is nothing to worry about.

Anna xxx

25-07-10, 14:33
I hope so. im determined not to feed it and visit the docs bout it AGAIN. so hopefully my subconcious may get bored lol. Who knows. Surely theres something i can do to stop this cycle? any tips?