View Full Version : how many of you were sunglsses alot when panicky

24-07-10, 11:16
i tend to near enough put them on wakeing and if i ave not as soon as the anxiety kicks in or the panic i get them on as always feel evry thing is to bright just thought i would ask only think its me with this yet another strange thing i do to try and beat the feelings xxxxxxx

24-07-10, 11:33
I do it too - you're not alone! lol

24-07-10, 12:47
me too!

margaret jones
24-07-10, 13:25
Hi Trish i am just like that the light always seems to bright for me so shades on even if not sunny .

Asked the optician about the sensitivity to light he says age can make your eyes more sensitive that does apply to me (getting old ):weep: dont worry just put your shades on a face the world


24-07-10, 15:57
me too lol x:shades:

Kerry B
24-07-10, 22:36
I put my sunglasses on when I have blurred vision, which I normal get when I have a panic attack it stops me noticing it as much.

24-07-10, 23:19
I do it too, i bought some big sun glasses to kind of hide behind, as ive heard it helps if your social phobic

24-07-10, 23:30
I guess you are all using it as a tool to hide behind.

Kind of like a comfort blanket!

Some people cannot go out without a bottle of water to drink or mints to suck and some cannot even contemplate leaving home without their mobile phone.

These are all tools that we think we need to be able to cope.

If you go to CBT then they will tell you to ditch the glasses and see what happens. In time you will see that nothing bad happens and you don't need them but for now you are using them as coping tools

Kipepeo Girl
26-07-10, 22:54
I used to wear sunglasses and a hat. Then when it was no longer sunny, just the hat. I don't any more, I don't know why I stopped. I think the hat made me sweat and I was uncomfortable. They didn't help at all really, but I felt that if I had a panic attack my face would be pretty well hidden.

30-07-10, 12:57
It's commonly known in CBT as a 'Safety Behaviour' and is something we do, for safety.

I always wear my sunglasses when out in public, even if it's not so sunny. I find myself very sensitive to bright sunlight, so the sunglasses help with that.

This is funny, but I'm driving, I always wear them as it saves worrying about where to look when stopped at traffic lights, I can kinda hide behind my shades lol

30-07-10, 15:16
i can relate, but not with sunglasses. i wear a hat...lol i just started wearing it once and now i can't take it off

31-07-10, 18:03
I can relate to all of this. I often wear sunglasses when out during the day, and they do seem to help keep me a little calmer. Over time, I've learned to ignore people who stare and obviously wonder why I don't take my sunglasses off while shopping or in a restaurant. If it helps, then go for it.

I'll note that there have been times when a combination of sunglasses and ear plugs have made it possible for me to remain in a noisy and well-lit restaurant and at least somewhat enjoy the meal and company, without having to resort to taking any medication.

09-08-10, 21:58
Yep: I wear my shades at whenever humanly possible.

10-08-10, 09:32
Me too. My regular glasses are pretty big too the kind with the black plastic recatangle frames.

I like it, also means if you have bags under your eyes no one can see :winks: