View Full Version : benzodiazepines

24-07-10, 12:40
Does anyone else take these? I take Ativan. I had actually tapered off of these for awhile, but my Nurse Practitioner wanted me to try some SSRI's and other anti-depressants. I can not seem to handle the anti-depressants. Whether it's because I just react to them (terrible hot flashes, tachycardia, panics) or if it's just my med phobia, I'm not sure. My psychiatrist said that there are people that just don't do well with them and to just use the Ativan for now. I was taking .25mg twice a day (a very small amount) but now I am to take .5mg in the morning, and then either a .25 later or if I need to a .5mg. I'm supposed to continue to take this until I can start gaining some of my weight back (I lost over 20 pounds). I work also, and the effects of the anti-depressants were just too hard to deal with and try to work also. So, was just wondering if anybody else have gone the route of using the benzodiazepines. I actually had a panic disorder 30 years ago (I'm 56 now) and used Serax back then (a benzodiazepine) three times a day. It took probably over a year or longer, and I finally worked through the anxiety and tapered off the Serax. Over the past 30 years, I have had some anxiety, but it didn't interfere with anything. Until last Fall when it came back.

24-07-10, 15:07
I guess the other thing is that I feel like a failure sometimes that I can't handle the anti-depressants.