View Full Version : Tension headaches back :-(

24-07-10, 13:06
Have been on Citalopram for 5 months now and before I went on them I was having constant tension headaches now I never get them and all the anxiety has gone but for the past week they have been back with a vengance even though i'm not stressed about anything and can't get rid of them which then makes all the anxiety come back thinking it's something more serious. Has anybody else suffered with tension headaches whilst on Citalopram? These tablets have worked so well past 5 months which is why i'm scared it's something serious. Sorry if this sounds pathetic and stupid but nobody else would understand if i spoke to them about it.

26-07-10, 15:34
Hi Sparklex

I don't know if this is the same scenario but my tension headaches were caused by the way i sat at work - bad posture basically.
I was so anxious and stressed that the way i held my shoulders so high and my neck muscles were so clenched it gave me really bad tension headaches to the point i felt sick. Once the doctor pointed that out i tried to sit properly and they are gone, the only headche i get now is the side effect of Citalopram but they are not as regular.
Relaxation is good for this too.
Not sure if this is any help to you or not.
